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Liu Qiangdong is going to live stream? JD just announced

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On April 15th, according to media reports, according to insiders, Liu Qiangdong, the founder and chairman of JD.com, is about to start a live broadcast on the JD.com app. It is expected to be officially launched soon (within this week), but a new format will be adopted.
This news has attracted the attention of many netizens. At 17:47 in the evening, the official WeChat account of JD Group, "JD Blackboard News," officially announced: "That's right! It's true! JD's" No.1 Procurement and Sales "and" Dongge AI Digital Person is going to live stream!! "
This is a video trailer provided by JD Yanxi with technical support: Liu Qiangdong's clone, AI Digimon, announced that on April 16th, he will meet with friends in JD's sales live broadcast room to share his experiences and insights in food, reading, life, and other aspects. At the same time, he will bring you the carefully selected products from JD's sales.
Tomorrow (April 16th) at 6:18 pm, the "Procurement and Sales Dongge" digital character will launch its "live broadcast debut" and make an appearance in JD Home Appliances and JD Supermarket's procurement and sales live broadcast rooms.
On April 10th, JD.com announced that it would invest over 1 billion in cash and 1 billion in traffic as rewards, with no upper limit, to attract more original authors and high-quality content institutions to settle in. Industry insiders believe that this live broadcast is further warming up JD's content ecosystem and short video creation.
It is understood that JD's layout in the content ecosystem has already begun. In terms of video content, JD.com began to focus on "personal testing" last year, with tens of thousands of people creating tens of millions of videos around "personal trial+evaluation". The indicators of orders, user size, and duration have all increased by 300% year-on-year, and in the first quarter of this year, it still grew at a high speed of 100% year-on-year.
In terms of content ecology creation, JD.com constantly tries new gameplay. During November 11, 2023, JD.com launched 20 vertical track topic challenge competitions, producing 382 topics and bringing nearly 100 million transactions with 26000 authors. During the Spring Festival, over 50000 video submissions were received on 30 hot topics, with a GMV of over 20 million through video transactions.
In terms of live streaming layout, over the past year, JD.com has continued to explore distinctive development models. During the November 11th period of 2023 on JD.com, JD's live streaming sales and procurement became popular, with a total number of viewers exceeding 380 million. During the Mango TV New Year's Eve Gala on Hunan TV, within 5 hours of live broadcasting on JD.com, the overall number of viewers exceeded 100 million.
In addition, according to Tianyancha's intellectual property information, recently, Beijing JD Century Trading Co., Ltd. applied to register trademarks such as "Old Liu Special Session", "Youjing Jiapin", and "Round Head Price". The international classification involves advertising sales, clothing, shoes, and hats, and the current trademark status is awaiting substantive examination.
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