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Qifu Technology Debuts at the Service Trade Fair, Empowering Financial Upgrades with AI

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On September 12th, 2024, the China International Fair for Trade in Services opened grandly. This year, not only was the scale unprecedented, but it also reached new heights in exhibition content, innovative achievements, and international participation, becoming a barometer for the development of global service trade. In this year's Service Trade Fair, the 6th China Science and Technology Forum, as a core highlight, attracted many leading enterprises in the fintech industry to actively participate. As a technology enterprise in the digital finance field, Qifu Technology shared the achievements of China's fintech in helping the intelligent upgrading of China's financial industry at this year's Service Trade Fair, and also explored opportunities to export services to global financial institutions and fintech enterprises through the platform of the Service Trade Fair.
Last year's Central Financial Work Conference put forward the "Five Major Articles" on how to do a good job in finance, which has become a key focus of high-quality development of financial services for the real economy and an important content of deepening the supply side structural reform of finance. As a financial technology institution, Qifu Technology has been actively practicing the "Five Articles", which is not only the support point for serving the real economy, but also the foothold for financial technology institutions to optimize their business structure and achieve high-quality development. During the invited speech, Wu Haisheng, CEO of Qifu Technology, comprehensively and deeply elaborated on the achievements of Qifu Technology in technological innovation, demonstrating the company's efforts in promoting financial service innovation and supporting high-quality development of the real economy.
Wu Haisheng stated that self-developed core technologies are an important cornerstone for the long-term development of fintech companies. Since its establishment, Qifu Technology has continuously invested huge R&D funds and formed a R&D team of over a thousand people, including more than a hundred people dedicated to the research of AI large-scale models. The company has applied for 960 patents and owns over 80 copyrights, and has published multiple papers at international conferences such as INTERSPEECH, ICASSP, and AAAI. In addition, Qifu Technology also recruits and cultivates scientific and technological talents through various means such as co building an artificial intelligence joint laboratory with Shanghai Jiao Tong University and settling in the Shanghai Putuo District Postdoctoral Innovation Practice Base.
In his speech, Wu Haisheng believed that financial technology is the best PMF for AI big models. He used a series of PMF technology products such as Qifu Yuzhi AI, Qifu Copilot, and Customer Journey Scheduling System as examples to demonstrate the specific application of this concept. For example, Yuzhi AI integrates three major expert models that run through the entire lifecycle of financial software development, achieving a dual leap in research and development efficiency and quality. Yuzhi AI not only increased the delivery scale by 20% under the same R&D manpower, but also significantly shortened the online time for unit requirements from the original 14 days to 6 days, greatly accelerating the development process of financial software.
In addition, Qifu Technology has also launched the technology integrated product FocusPRO, which is a digital inclusive credit solution tailored for banks and financial institutions. Based on the company's rich service experience and strong technical strength, FocusPRO provides comprehensive service support for institutions, including professional consulting, financial traffic acquisition, precision marketing, etc., effectively solving the pain points of small and medium-sized financial institutions in the process of digital transformation. Its unique online and offline integrated three-stage small and micro business loan product not only provides an efficient online loan experience, but also solves the problems of small online loan amounts and low approval rates, effectively meeting users' operational funding needs.
In the third technological revolution in the financial industry, Qifu Technology upgraded "360 IOUs" to "Qifu IOUs" that integrate intelligent technology in multiple scenarios in August this year, allowing advanced AI big model technology products to truly benefit financial institutions, small and micro enterprises, and users.
On the stage of the China International Fair for Trade in Services, Qifu Technology showcased its innovative achievements in the field of financial technology and profound understanding of the real economy. By actively responding to the strategic requirements of the "Five Great Articles", Qifu Technology not only promotes innovation in financial services, but also provides strong support for the high-quality development of the real economy. Looking ahead to the future, Qifu Technology will continue to invest in technology, fully embrace the third wave of technological revolution in the financial industry, maintain China's global leadership in financial technology, and help promote the digital and intelligent upgrading of the banking industry in China and around the world.
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