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Massive Finance | JD's Low Price Strategy Further Increases, Creating a "JD Super 18" Special Session Every Month

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Normalize low prices, JD.com hits hard again. On July 16th, JD.com announced that starting from July, a new promotional event called "JD Super 18" will be launched every month from 8 pm on the 17th to 28 hours on the 18th. The first event will start at 8 pm on July 17th.
This will be a sustainable project for JD Retail to fully integrate all resources across the entire site. Poster News reporters learned from JD.com that "JD Super 18" is a new marketing IP launched by JD.com. This activity is conducted on a monthly basis, fixed from 8pm on the 17th to the 18th of each month. Each period will provide users with the ultimate discount of popular products, and the fixed price is only 18 yuan. The purpose is to provide users with a surprise shopping experience every month by offering a variety of low-priced products and spending "18 yuan to get a big wool". In the first 18 yuan rush purchase activity, there was even a lot of "Super Family Bucket" super value suits with daily prices of more than 10000 yuan, as well as well-known brand products such as Moutai, Dyson acarid vacuum cleaner, Bulgari perfume, etc. with a price of more than 1000 yuan.
In fact, since last year, JD.com has frequently focused on low price measures, launching a series of "combination punches" such as billion yuan subsidies, 9.9 free shipping channels, and lowering the threshold for free shipping. The launch of the new IP "JD Super 18" is also seen by the industry as another heavyweight measure under JD's low price strategy.
It is worth mentioning that this "JD Super 18" promotion is different from previous big promotions. It will not release all the popular products priced at 18 yuan in one go, but will be released in batches at irregular times and locations. Users need to browse the activity page frequently during the promotion period to have a chance to buy and purchase.
This kind of activity gameplay is not unprecedented for JD.com. As early as 2004, when JD.com was just transitioning into e-commerce, Liu Qiangdong, founder and chairman of JD.com Group, led a team to launch a store anniversary promotion that lowered prices to "unbelievable" and gave the event a name that was very characteristic of online novels at that time, "Dark Moon, High Wind".
Now, twenty years later, JD.com has once again witnessed the famous scene of "dark moon and high wind", launching a new event called "JD Super 18". Not only does it offer greater discounts and cover a wider range of product categories, but it also shortens the annual promotional interval to one month, with a shorter cycle and higher frequency.
Regarding this, some analysts believe that JD's launch of the "JD Super 18" campaign will not only attract users with extremely low-priced products and huge discounts, but also help cultivate the habit of users visiting JD on the 18th of each month, thereby increasing shopping frequency and driving daily sales.
According to the first quarter performance report released by JD.com Group in 2024, JD achieved significant improvements in various user indicators in the first quarter. The number of quarterly active users has maintained double-digit year-on-year growth for two consecutive quarters, and the frequency of user shopping has also significantly increased. It can be foreseen that the launch of "JD Super 18" by JD.com may become another "trump card" for JD.com to attract users with low prices and increase their shopping frequency.
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