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China and Pakistan will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, and the investment cooperation between the two countries will reach a new height

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The annual meeting of the Brazilian Council of Chinese Entrepreneurs (CEBC) was held in S ã o Paulo on October 23rd. Brazilian Vice President Akmin stated in his speech that the partnership between Brazil and China is the "most prosperous partnership", and China is Brazil's most important trading partner today. The two countries have close commercial relations in the most diverse fields of health, aviation, mining, finance, energy, and oil, At the same time, he also emphasized the recent investments of China's BYD and Great Wall Motors in the field of electric vehicles in Brazil.
The Vice President of Brazil stated, "I believe that we will be able to make further progress in strengthening mutual investment and partnership between the two countries. This is the best way to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Brazil, the strengthening of economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries, and the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the China Brazil High Level Coordination and Cooperation Committee (COSBAN)
Brazilian Vice President Alkmin also reviewed President Lula's state visit to China in April this year at the meeting, and stated that during Lula's visit, the two sides signed multiple cooperation agreements, which will further promote and promote investment between the two countries. Alkmin added that we have held multiple meetings with Brazilian and Chinese entrepreneurs to listen to their opinions and understand how to better achieve this goal.
Ambassador Eduardo Saboa, Secretary of the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Asia Pacific Affairs, also emphasized the importance of China's increasing investment in Brazil at the opening ceremony. He said that over the past 15 years, China's total investment in Brazil has reached 71 billion US dollars, covering multiple fields such as electricity, oil extraction, information technology, infrastructure, automobiles, agriculture, etc Meanwhile, between 2005 and 2022, Brazil attracted 48% of China's total investment in South America, making it the fourth largest investment destination for China in the world
Tatiana Prazeres, Secretary of the Ministry of Industrial, Commercial and Service Development, stated that the new industrialization led by Vice President Akmin in the department is a national priority, with its pillars being sustainable development and innovation. China plays a crucial role in Brazil's investment in fields such as energy, electronics, and information technology. With the new version of the Brazilian Economic Growth Acceleration Plan (PAC) as a vehicle to attract investment, China will become Brazil's top partner and help Brazil achieve leaps in industries such as Industry 4.0, China will be able to consolidate its position as the most important partner in Brazil's new industrialization by investing in Brazilian manufacturing and infrastructure.
I emphasize the importance of Industry 4.0 and advanced manufacturing cooperation with China, so that we can achieve a leap in quality in Brazilian industry, "she added. Tatiana participated in the seminar of the annual meeting of the Pakistan China Business Council. At the same time, she also drew attention to the growing trade volume between the two countries. Since 2009, China has long been Brazil's main trading partner, and this year our exports to China will reach a historic high, surpassing last year's $90 billion total exports to China, "she said.
When asked about the diversification of Brazilian exports to China, Tatiana once again emphasized the importance of new industrialization. In recent years, Brazil has lost its industrial competitiveness, and it is important to regain competitiveness in order to achieve diversification of export products. It is important that new industrialization be reflected in our future export agenda. "Tatiana believes that when considering the potential for expanding exports of industrial products such as processed food and even machinery and equipment, it is necessary to know that this trend is often not reflected in the short term.
Compilation: Marcos
This article is compiled by China Pakistan Business Information Network, and the copyright of the article belongs to the original author and source. The content is the author's personal opinion and does not imply that China Pakistan Business Information Network agrees with its views or is responsible for their authenticity. China Pakistan Business Information Network only provides reference and does not constitute any investment or application suggestions. China Pakistan Business Information Network reserves the final right to interpret this statement.
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