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15th Anniversary of Car Hunting List | Ideal Car Yu Wei: Growth is the Driving Force for Enterprises to Run Through in the Long Term

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Recently, the production and sales data for October released by the China Automobile Association showed that in October, Chinese brand passenger cars sold 1.485 million units, a year-on-year increase of 25.1%, and the market share reached 59.7%, an increase of 6.6 percentage points compared to the same period last year; From January to October, a total of 11.426 million Chinese brand passenger cars were sold, a year-on-year increase of 22.2%, accounting for 55.3% of the total passenger car sales, and the share increased by 6.6 percentage points compared to the same period last year.
It is worth mentioning that in the process of highlighting the advantages of Chinese brand passenger cars and maintaining a stable growth trend in market share, the new forces of car manufacturing represented by Ideal Automobile have injected tremendous vitality into promoting the rapid transformation and development of China's automotive industry.
Data shows that in October, the delivery volume of ideal cars exceeded 40000 for the first time, reaching approximately 40400 units, a year-on-year increase of 302.1%. As of the end of October this year, Ideal Automobile has delivered a total of 284600 vehicles throughout the year.
In December of this year, Ideal Automobile will also release the brand's flagship family technology, Ideal MEGA. It (MEGA) will carry the latest technological achievements of the 'dual energy strategy', become the top seller of all passenger cars with a sales revenue of over 500000 yuan, break the traditional perception that high-end pure electric vehicles cannot become explosive products, and create a truly mobile home and a happy home for the Chinese family, "said Yu Wei, Director of the Ideal Automobile Public Relations Department.
In addition, Ideal Automobile is constantly expanding its product matrix. Yu Wei said: This year is the 8th year of the establishment of Ideal Automobile, and we have gone from 0 to 1, and are striving on the road from 1 to 10. In the new stage, under the guidance of the 'dual energy strategy', Ideal Automobile will 'create a mobile home and a happy home' for a wider range of household users. By 2025, Ideal Automobile will form a product layout of '1 super flagship+5 extended range electric models+5 high-voltage pure electric models', targeting markets with a value of over 200000 yuan, Fully meet the needs of home users
It is worth mentioning that the Chinese automotive market has become one of the most fiercely competitive markets in the world. As a new force in car manufacturing, Ideal Automobile has become a focus of industry attention on how to maintain its long-term competitiveness and achieve the aforementioned vision without deep brand history, technology, and capital accumulation.
Regarding this, Yu Wei stated: Growth is the core driving force of Ideal Automobile, supporting us to continuously achieve higher strategic goals. Controlling our own destiny and challenging the limits of growth is the organizational mission of Ideal Automobile. Currently, the industry is undergoing rapid changes, and energy and technology are rapidly evolving. Looking at the core driving force from any static time slice, it is only temporary. Growth is the long-term driving force that runs through every talent, every business, and every team The team needs to grow and cannot stop. Only through continuous growth can we continuously create products and services that exceed user needs
Facing the future, Ideal Automobile has also proposed longer-term goals. The vision of Ideal Automobile is to become a leading global artificial intelligence enterprise by 2030. We hope to benefit every family we serve through continuous R&D investment and product capabilities that exceed user needs, "said Yu Wei.
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