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Alibaba's 25th anniversary, Jack Ma speaks out: determined to be a company that can survive for 102 years

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Blue Whale News, September 11th (Reporter Lu Pengpeng) On September 10th, Alibaba celebrated its 25th anniversary and its founder Jack Ma spoke out on its internal website.
Jack Ma said, "25 years is almost a quarter of the way to 102 years. We must always remind ourselves not to lose ourselves under competition and pressure. The reason why Alibaba is Alibaba is because we have an idealistic spirit. We believe in the future, we believe in the market, and we believe that only a kind company that creates real value for society can persist in the 102 year journey
In addition, Jack Ma has repeatedly mentioned the word "pride" in his internal letters, expressing a series of achievements that make him proud, such as creating payments, participating in logistics, investing in the "cloud", and promoting social progress, Ant Forest, and other initiatives.
In recent years, retired Ma Yunxian has made appearances, and his only few statements were during critical periods of Alibaba's transformation or when morale was low.
Jack Ma last spoke out five months ago, during a year of internal transformation at Alibaba.
On April 10th, Jack Ma published a post titled "To Reform and Innovation" on Alibaba's internal network, highly affirming the courage of the new management team composed of Cai Chongxin and Wu Yongming to change, stating that Alibaba has returned to a healthy growth track and supports continued reforms.
At that time, Jack Ma pointed out in an internal letter that the core change of Alibaba in the past year was not to catch up with KPIs, but to recognize oneself and return to the customer value track. By targeting large companies, Alibaba has returned to efficiency first and market first, becoming simple and agile.
On November 30, 2023, Pinduoduo's market value reached $195.887 billion, officially surpassing Alibaba to become the largest Chinese concept stock in the US stock market.
In this situation, Jack Ma stood up. On the eve of Pinduoduo's market value surpassing Alibaba's, he said on the intranet, "I firmly believe that Alibaba will change, Alibaba will change." In his opinion, all great companies are born in winter, and the era of AI e-commerce has just begun. Alibaba still has opportunities.
According to Alibaba's Q1 2025 financial report released on August 15th, the group achieved revenue of 243.236 billion yuan in the quarter ending June 30th, 2024, a year-on-year increase of 4%; The net profit attributable to common shareholders was 24.269 billion yuan.
This quarter's performance demonstrates the effectiveness of our strategy. We are focused on improving user experience through good goods, good prices, and good services, driving Taobao Group to stabilize market share and return to a growth track. Our cloud computing business revenue has achieved positive growth momentum, thanks to the increased adoption of public cloud and artificial intelligence related products. We will continue to invest to maintain our market leading position, "said Alibaba Group CEO Wu Yongming.
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