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From Monster Charging Data, Looking at the Hot and Hot Consumption in Cities during the Spring Festival

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The combination of the ice and snow economy and the popularity of the internet has made Harbin's ice and snow tourism a popular travel choice during the Spring Festival. According to the "2024 Spring Festival Tourism Summary Report" released by Ctrip platform, the popularity of tourism in Harbin has continued from New Year's Day to the Spring Festival holiday. During the Spring Festival, tourism booking orders have increased by more than 14 times year-on-year, twice the national growth rate.
The popularity of "Erbin" has directly driven a significant increase in the Spring Festival tourism data in Heilongjiang Province. According to the data released by the Department of Culture and Tourism of Heilongjiang Province, during the Spring Festival holiday in the the Year of the Loong, Heilongjiang Province received 22.207 million tourists, an increase of 75.9% year on year and 62% over 2019; The tourism revenue reached 27.19 billion yuan, an average increase of 102.1% year-on-year and 61.7% compared to 2019. During the same period, Harbin's tourist reception and total tourism revenue both reached historical peaks.
It is worth noting that the popularity of Harbin's Spring Festival tourism has also been verified through the sharing of power bank rental data. In winter in the north, the endurance of lithium batteries is already greatly reduced at low temperatures; The increasing number of travelers not only has high demands on the supply of shared charging facilities in Harbin, but also on the diverse demand scenarios and frequency of charging products.
According to the monster charging backend data, during the Spring Festival period (from the first day to the eighth day), the order volume in Harbin city increased, with daily orders increasing by 62% year-on-year and daily transaction volume increasing by 78% year-on-year. Among them, the daily average orders of hotel stores increased the most significantly, reaching 84%, leisure and entertainment stores increased by over 60%, and catering stores increased by over 30% year-on-year. Ice and Snow World and Central Street stores have become popular destinations for tourists to check in.
The resonance between shared power bank order data and Harbin consumption data not only highlights the charm of Harbin as an ice and snow tourism destination, but also reveals the development opportunities hidden in the shared power bank industry in the context of the continuous rise in the current cultural and tourism market.
Firstly, stable user demand remains a solid foundation for the sustained development of the industry. On the one hand, mobile phone battery technology has not yet achieved a historic breakthrough, and the charging anxiety caused by insufficient battery life still exists. On the other hand, with the expansion of 5G technology and mobile Internet user base, online ticket buying, QR code verification, travel navigation and other mobile Internet life tools are more popular and sinking, further testing the battery life of electronic products.
Secondly, on the supply side, compared to other mobile charging devices, shared power bank brands such as Monster Charging are becoming increasingly mature in operation, and the shared charging service network is becoming more perfect, providing users with a safe, convenient, and efficient mobile charging experience. Coupled with the improvement of digital capabilities, operation and expansion efficiency, it has become more advantageous in resource utilization efficiency, market coverage, service quality, and user experience.
Taking the industry leader monster charging as an example, relying on a new direct sales+channel driven business model, we will continue to expand the coverage of shared charging services and layout a high potential sinking market.
Monster Charging President Xu Peifeng said, "We adhere to a dual model drive of 'direct sales model+channel model', consolidating and enhancing market share while maintaining diversified business structures to adapt to a flexible regional market environment.". For direct sales, we will focus more on high-quality KA and high-yield stores, fully leveraging the advantages of direct sales in technology, operations, services, funding, and marketing to provide business empowerment for our partners. For the channel model, we continue to rely on the channel model to drive point number growth, expand the vast sinking market faster and more efficiently, and form complementary advantages with the direct operation model that deeply cultivates first and second tier cities, jointly improving the coverage of shared charging service networks
The historic breakthrough in Harbin's shared charging data is due to the implementation of Monster Charging's strong development channel strategy. In the past, due to the impact of technology development and the popularization process of Internet life applications, the penetration rate of shared power packs in the sinking market was far lower than that of super large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai. In recent years, not only Harbin, but also the domestic cultural and tourism market has occasionally seen the emergence of niche dark horse cities such as Zibo, Litang, Mohe, and Anji. With their super cost-effectiveness and quality to price ratio, they have been encouraged by people to consume, and have also shown more brands the potential for sinking into the market.
Since last year, Monster Charging has rapidly expanded its channel business. As of September 30, 2023, the company has 1.189 million POIs nationwide, 8.7 million online shared power banks, and a total of 379 million registered users. The number of proxy locations has also increased from 52.5% at the end of 2022 to 65.5%. In order to maintain the enthusiasm of agents to expand the market, Monster Charger recently launched the activity of "a good start in the the Year of the Loong, a special offer for the Spring Festival". The investment promotion policy of "the highest score reaches 96%" is enough to show its determination to expand the market.
At present, China's cultural and tourism industry has made a good start in the the Year of the Loong in 2024, based on the published data of tourism arrivals and tourism revenue of various provinces. Behind the impressive data are the steady development of the domestic economy and the emergence of new cultural and tourism products, formats, and gameplay. With the expansion and upgrading of the cultural and tourism industry, Monster Charging will continue to improve the construction of shared charging networks, provide reliable power support for tourists, and help the cultural and tourism market become hot and bustling.
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