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JD 2024 Spring Festival Consumption Observation: Nearly 60% of 90s and 00s Buy Jewelry and Jewelry

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On February 18, the Spring Festival of the the Year of the Loong was full of excitement and joy. In the "hot and spicy" consumption market of the Spring Festival, typical features such as health upgrading, cultural New Year flavors, cross regional flow of New Year flavors, and tourism warming up during the Spring Festival have emerged. Traditional cultural New Year products, healthy and nourishing New Year goods, and unique flavors from the north and south have all become the core of Spring Festival consumption.
JD data shows that the sales of "dragon" elements, China-Chic costumes, intangible cultural heritage products, traditional cultural and creative products are booming. The sales of traditional calligraphy couplets, dragon lanterns, door gods and other products increased by more than 142% year-on-year. The transaction volume of intangible cultural heritage flower lanterns, intangible cultural heritage New Year paintings, and intangible cultural heritage embroidery increased by 9.6 times, 175%, and 166% year-on-year, respectively. In addition, the cultural and creative products of the the Year of the Loong in major museums and libraries are loved by young people. Among the China-Chic costumes, the turnover of new Chinese style, horse face skirt, and Han style clothes increased by more than 100% year on year.
The Spring Festival is an important time for consumers to reward themselves, and post-90s and post-00s consumers prefer jewelry as a gift for self reward and motivation. According to data from JD.com, during the Chinese New Year shopping festival, the transaction volume of jewelry and jewelry increased by over 120% year-on-year. Consumers born in the 1990s and 2000s accounted for nearly 60% of their consumption, becoming the main force in jewelry and jewelry consumption.
The demand for travel during the Spring Festival is strong, and self driving has become the main mode of transportation, driving services such as car maintenance, cleaning and beauty, and car insurance. The transaction volume of safety equipment such as anti-skid chains and fire extinguishers has significantly increased. From the perspective of travel trend, "North South cross travel travel" has set off the trend of domestic travel during the Spring Festival of the the Year of the Loong, and Jilin, Hainan, Heilongjiang, Jiangsu and Henan have become the top five provinces in terms of consumption growth.
Traditional culture is undoubtedly a hot topic in this year's Spring Festival consumption. In traditional folk products, sales of traditional calligraphy couplets, dragon lanterns, door gods, and other products have increased by more than 142% year-on-year. Window decorations, New Year paintings, flower lanterns, and other decorations related to the year are key areas of intangible cultural heritage. Saihan window decorations, Zigong colored lanterns, Mianzhu New Year paintings, Tianjin Yangliu Youth Paintings, Shandong Weifang Yangjiabu New Year Paintings, and Suzhou Taohuawu New Year Paintings... These intangible cultural heritage symbols that often appear in documentaries have become a new way for young people to decorate their homes. The transaction volume of intangible cultural heritage flower lanterns, intangible cultural heritage New Year paintings, and intangible cultural heritage embroidery has increased by 9.6 times, 175%, and 166% year-on-year, respectively. The cultural and creative products of the the Year of the Loong in major museums and libraries add the flavor of cultural year to the Spring Festival. The "Wanfu Jirui · Fulu New Year Suit" of the Palace Museum takes various rituals and customs of the Forbidden City New Year as the inspiration for research and development, covering couplets, fortune words, door gods, window grilles and other Spring Festival decorations, and has sold more than 10000 pieces on the JD platform; The sales of handwritten Spring Festival couplets, brushes and other related products have increased by more than 12 times year-on-year. In addition, the transaction volume of simulation toys and block puzzle toys with "dragon" elements has increased by more than four times year-on-year.
Jingdong data also shows that from the perspective of China-Chic costumes, the costumes with cartoon dragon, simple stroke dragon, embroidery dragon and other "dragon" elements, and red, bronzing, lucky patterns and other Spring Festival elements have become the first choice for New Year clothes. During the Spring Festival, the transaction volume of down jackets with "dragon" elements increased by more than four times year-on-year; Hanfu has become a hot selling item in this year's clothing industry, with the transaction volume of "dragon" element children's Hanfu and women's Hanfu increasing by 3.6 times and 166% year-on-year, respectively. The new Chinese style is also a hot trend of the Spring Festival in the the Year of the Loong. The diversified design clothing, such as cheongsam, Chinese stand collar, handmade clasp, ink and wash dyeing, and embroidery, is more suitable for the young generation of consumers' aesthetic pursuit of personalization and fashion. During the Spring Festival, the transaction volume of new Chinese women's clothing sets, new Chinese women's cotton jackets, and new Chinese women's shirts all increased by more than 10 times year-on-year. The transaction volume of new Chinese women's down jackets increased by 243% year-on-year. New Chinese clothing incorporating "dragon" elements has become a hot consumption topic, with Chinese cotton jackets with dragon patterns and vests becoming hot selling items.
Cheng Zijiao, a reporter from New Beijing News and Shell Finance
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