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Financial technology is helping the national team to further integrate "finance+sports"

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Xie Huiqian, Chief Reporter of Shenzhen Business Daily's Creative App
It is worth noting that financial technology companies have also appeared among the teams of various countries that brought national glory to the Paris Olympics. With the emergence of Xinye Technology behind the Chinese national weightlifting team, Du Xiaoman behind the Chinese national track and field team, and Lexin behind the Chinese national fencing team, while contributing to the Olympics, "finance+sports" have also been further integrated.
On the eve of the Paris Olympics, a story about the Chinese national fencing team and four ordinary young people called "Believe in China's Edge" sparked widespread attention and flooded social media. This is the promotional video launched by Lexin and the Chinese national fencing team, reinterpreting the "sharpness" of ordinary people. It is also reported that since becoming the official partner of the Chinese national fencing team in April 2024, Lexin has launched the "Believe in the Edge, Help Strive" program, which helps more new professionals, urban white-collar workers, and small and micro enterprises to strive forward through its consumer finance, inclusive finance, and other businesses, showcasing its edge. Over the past decade, more than 200 million young people have achieved self-improvement or alleviated the funding shortage for entrepreneurship through LeXin's installment platform, constantly moving forward on the road of hard work.
Xinye Technology has also partnered with the Chinese national weightlifting team to launch the "100 million yuan interest free public welfare loan" and public welfare agricultural live streaming activities, exploring new models to assist small and micro new farmers. On August 3rd, at the General Administration of Sport of China, Zheng Yi, Vice President of Xinye Technology, and his delegation bid farewell to the Chinese national weightlifting team athletes who were about to attend the Paris Olympics. At the same time, Xinye Technology has launched a special project with the People's Daily Sports Channel to produce a film called "Cheer for You" for the Chinese national weightlifting team, helping Olympic athletes and cheering for them.
During the Olympic period, Du Xiaoman also demonstrated his unique creativity and influence - in collaboration with CCTV, Du Xiaoman carefully planned and launched a micro documentary about the Chinese national track and field team, allowing viewers to glimpse the stories and sweat behind the athletes and feel the spirit of unremitting struggle for their dreams. At the same time, Du Xiaoman also teamed up with People's Daily to create the Olympic micro variety show "Champions Are Coming", allowing champions to step off the field and into the lives of the public, sharing their joy and challenges with the masses.
In addition to bank and insurance, fintech companies have also actively sponsored multiple national teams, reflecting the high attention of fintech companies to China's sports industry, which can effectively help promote the healthy and prosperous development of the sports industry. At the same time, as the sponsored national teams and athletes receive honors, the brand influence of fintech companies has also been enhanced, and such cooperation is a win-win situation for both parties. "Su Xiaorui, a senior researcher at Suxi Zhiyan, said in an interview with reporters that at the same time, the cross-border integration of" finance+sports "has further stimulated the public's widespread attention to the sports industry.
Taking this good opportunity, 'finance+sports' can also penetrate into local sports scenes, cooperate with sports venues, sports centers, etc., strengthen sports facility construction, enrich sports events and other measures, regularly and fixedly visit the public, and explore mutual benefits around the consumption potential and industrial demand of sports venues.' Finance+sports' is expected to further integrate deeply, "said Su Xiaorui.
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