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Does Xiaomi compensate 5000 yuan for the lock order? After the intelligent world, NIO also "intercepted" Xiaomi! Lei Jun only posted a recommendation yesterday

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On April 23rd, it was reported that NIO's offline sales stores have launched a subsidy of 5000 yuan for consumers who have already ordered the Xiaomi SU7.
Regarding this, a reporter from Securities Times · e Company verified with multiple NIO sales representatives. One of the salespeople clearly stated to the reporter that NIO's sales stores have indeed launched such activities, but not for all Xiaomi SU7 ordering users.
"This subsidy is aimed at users who are unable to refund their deposit due to Xiaomi car lock orders. If these users purchase NIO products, we will compensate them with 5000 yuan." The sales representative stated that the compensation of 5000 yuan is not in cash, but directly deducted from the purchase price.
This means that if the user ultimately does not purchase automotive products from NIO, they will not be able to enjoy the above 5000 yuan subsidy.
Lei Jun recommended NIO ET5! NIO executives responded: Xiaomi SU7 has made history
On April 22nd, Xiaomi Group Chairman Lei Jun announced on Weibo that the production capacity and delivery speed of Xiaomi SU7 are rapidly increasing, and the standard version and Max have been delivered ahead of schedule. Many prospective car owners have found in the Xiaomi car app that the expected delivery time has been advanced. At the Beijing Auto Show, I will provide a detailed introduction to our production capacity and delivery plan.
If you are really in a hurry to purchase a car, domestic new energy vehicles are all good, such as the Smart S7, NIO ET5, Xiaopeng P7 series, etc. You can also consider purchasing them.
"Xiaomi SU7 has made history. Welcome Mr. Lei to come to the NIO booth at the Beijing Auto Show to taste the new ET7," responded @ NIO Malin, who has been certified as "Assistant Vice President of Brand and Communication at Shanghai NIO Automobile Co., Ltd." on Weibo
Zhijie S7 "Shuehu" Xiaomi SU7? Huawei response
According to a report from Red Star News and Red Star Capital Bureau on April 22nd, there have been rumors recently that the order for the refurbished Smart World S7 and the "Truncated" Xiaomi SU7: to purchase any Smart World S7 now, the final payment will be directly deducted from the car price by the non refundable 5000 yuan deposit for the Xiaomi SU7 lock order.
On April 21st, the reporter visited a Huawei authorized experience store in Chengdu, Sichuan to verify the above information as a consumer. Huawei staff said, "There is indeed such a policy. All the contracted stores of Hongmeng Zhixing across the country can apply for it for customers."
It is reported that since the launch of the Xiaomi SU7, Huawei's major stores have introduced this temporary policy, which will continue until the end of May.
However, according to the Red Star Capital Bureau, there is no information on the above-mentioned subsidy policies on Huawei experience stores, Huawei official websites, and other public channels.
"Some potential owners of Xiaomi SU7 are considering other brands due to long waiting times for pickup," the staff member said. "Once customers reveal this situation, we will proactively introduce this preferential policy."
"There is a Xiaomi SU7 owner in our store who is unwilling to wait any longer. He paid the final payment of the Smart World S7 last week and directly reduced it by 5000 yuan, which is equivalent to us compensating for the loss of Xiaomi owner's deposit." He said that this subsidy policy can overlap with other promotional activities of the Smart World S7 and will not affect the original Xiaomi SU7 orders. "As long as it is the same car owner, you can show the lock page. Afterwards, regardless of whether the consumer purchases the Xiaomi SU7 or not, they will receive a discount of 5000 yuan when paying the final payment of the Zhijie S7."
Huawei insiders told First Financial reporters that they were not aware of this. "There have been many consumers who test drove in stores over the past few weekends, and the ability to deliver on a large scale is also a key concern for consumers," the person said.
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