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Ideal Automobile regains the sales crown of new forces in June! NIO delivers 21000 new cars, setting a new record high! Xiaomi SU7 delivers over 10000 units

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On July 1st, new domestic car manufacturers released their June performance reports.
NIO Auto delivered 21209 new cars in June, a year-on-year increase of 98%, reaching a historic high; In the second quarter, NIO delivered 57373 new cars, exceeding the delivery guidelines, with a year-on-year increase of 143.9%; In the first half of 2024, NIO delivered a total of 87426 new cars, a year-on-year increase of 60.2%.
As of press release, NIO Motor's US stock market rose nearly 7% before the market closed, with a record high of 21000 new cars delivered in June.
Xiaopeng Motors delivered 10668 electric vehicles in June, a year-on-year increase of 24% and a growth of 5% compared to the previous month. Xiaopeng Motors reported delivering 52028 electric vehicles in the first half of the year, a year-on-year increase of 26%.
Ideal Automobile: 47774 new cars were delivered in June, a year-on-year increase of 46.7%; 108000 vehicles were delivered in the second quarter, a year-on-year increase of 25.5%. Li Xiang, the chairman of Ideal, revealed that in June, the delivery volume of Ideal L6 exceeded 20000 units, and under the dual effect of improving store efficiency, Ideal Automobile returned to the top of China's new force brand sales rankings. Next, Ideal will fully promote AD Max without image NOA in early July, achieving nationwide availability.
Extreme Krypton Automobile: Monthly delivery exceeded 20000 for the first time, with a year-on-year increase of 89% in June delivery of 20106 units. From January to June, a total of 87870 units were delivered, a year-on-year increase of 106%. In 2024, the sales of Chinese pure electric brands exceeded 200000, with a cumulative delivery of over 280000 units.
Xiaomi Motors: In June, the delivery volume of Xiaomi SU7 exceeded 10000 units, and it is expected that the delivery volume in July will also exceed 10000 units. Xiaomi Motors has disclosed its progress in opening stores, with 17 new stores added in June. Currently, in 30 cities across the country, 87 stores have opened; In July, there are plans to add 17 new stores, covering four new cities: Jinan, Changzhou, Changchun, and Guiyang.
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