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Liu Qiangdong's live streaming sales debut with over 20 million views in one hour and over 100000 orders in 40 minutes! Some netizens claim that "there is less emotion"

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At 18:18 on April 16th, Liu Qiangdong's AI Digimon made its live debut on the JD App, with categories including grain and oil, agricultural products, pet supplies, and more.
According to JD Supermarket's disclosure, the AI digital person on the live streaming platform of Qisheng Dongge was broadcasted for 30 minutes, and the number of viewers in the live streaming room exceeded ten million; In just 40 minutes, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room exceeded 13 million, creating the highest number of viewers since the launch of JD Supermarket's sales live broadcast room; In the past hour, the number of views exceeded 20 million, and the average duration of user stay during live streaming reached 5.6 times the daily average. Within 40 minutes, the overall order volume of the live broadcast room exceeded 100000.
During the live broadcast, Dongge AI digital person explained 13 products, and the overall order volume increased by 7.6 times compared to last Sunday; JD Supermarket's "billion yuan agricultural subsidy" products saw a 5.7 times increase in transaction volume compared to last Sunday after half an hour of broadcasting.
At 19:00, digital person Liu Qiangdong said, "Thank you all for accompanying and watching today. Finally, I will send a wave of benefits to the fans in the live broadcast room, and the comment section will be refreshed.". Then, the digital human anchor said, "See you next time for Dongge's live broadcast," ending Liu Qiangdong's AI digital human live broadcast debut.
Many netizens were amazed that the AI digital avatar of "Purchasing and Selling Dongge" almost 100% reproduces Dongge's expression, posture, gestures, and tone. Even digital avatars can have vivid vitality.
Some netizens exclaimed, "It's too realistic.".
However, many netizens still commented that it was too rigid. Many netizens shouted to JD.com and demanded that Liu Qiangdong personally broadcast it, "The knockoff version of Dongge still lacks some emotions."
"The 'Procurement and Sales Dongge' AI digital person will present Dongge's habitual facial expressions and movements, such as occasionally rubbing his fingers while speaking, emphasizing something with greater hand movements, and occasionally nodding his head. According to the relevant person in charge of JD.com, the more challenging aspect of AI digital people is voice restoration. Those who have heard Dongge's speech will be impressed by his Suqian accent, and will find that he speaks faster, speaks lighter, and some words are used to linking. He has a heavy nasal sound for the" sh "in" time "and" precisely ", and likes to call" brothers "to boost everyone's morale..."
According to JD.com, in order to create a realistic "Dongge", the technical team has made multiple adjustments to the big model: initially, the speech materials for the big model were "fed", although full of passion and explosive, but too formal. To this end, they used the latest recorded chat as the main material, including Liu Qiangdong's own travel experience, and extracted the rhythmic features of a 5-minute speech to feed into the big model. Through continuous optimization, they finally shaped the voice of the "Procurement and Sales Dongge" AI digital person that is very close to themselves.
According to Interface News, "Liu Qiangdong's End" live streaming is an important attempt by JD.com in the field of live streaming sales, which is expected to bring more attention and traffic to JD.com. At the same time, it also sends a new major signal for JD's AI e-commerce strategy.
This is also a further enhancement of the content ecosystem by JD.com, following the recent announcement of investing 1 billion in cash and 1 billion in traffic to enhance the content ecosystem.
In the process of content transformation, JD faces significant challenges. Compared with the competitors Tiktok and Kwai, JD started content oriented late, and has limited experience in content creation, distribution and community operation. It takes time to establish and improve the infrastructure and rules of content ecology.
In the live streaming field, JD.com has always struggled with the lack of top anchors, and this problem cannot be solved solely by throwing money. As the founder of JD.com, Liu Qiangdong has always brought his own traffic. This time, he launched live streaming sales in the form of a digital person, filling the gap of JD.com's first super head anchor in a certain sense.
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