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The three major US stock indices fluctuate in price, with large technology stocks experiencing mixed ups and downs

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On Tuesday Eastern Time, the three major US stock indexes fluctuated. As of the close, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.17%, the Nasdaq fell 0.12%, and the S&P 500 index fell 0.21%. Large tech stocks saw mixed gains and losses, with Microelectronics rising over 10%, Nvidia, Netflix, and AMD rising over 1%, and Microsoft and Micron Technology slightly rising.
In terms of individual stocks, Tesla fell more than 2% after sending an email to all employees announcing a 10% layoff globally.
Union Health rose more than 5%, and the company's first quarter revenue and adjusted earnings per share were both higher than market estimates.
Bank stocks mostly fell, Bank of America fell more than 3%, Citigroup fell more than 2%, and UBS Group fell more than 1%; Morgan Stanley rose more than 2%, with a net revenue of $15.1 billion in the first quarter, exceeding market estimates.
Global News
US March retail sales data exceeding expectations or further delaying Fed rate cuts
The retail sales growth in the United States in March exceeded expectations, reaching a new high since September last year. And last month's correction was relatively high, indicating strong consumer demand. Specifically, retail sales increased by 0.7% month on month, with an expected 0.4%, compared to the previous 0.9%; Retail sales excluding automobiles increased by 1.1% month on month, with an expected 0.5%, compared to the previous value of 0.3%; Retail sales excluding automobiles and natural gas increased by 1% month on month, with an expected 0.3%, compared to the previous value of 0.5%.
Is the selling pressure on US stocks likely to reach billions of dollars? Goldman Sachs and Bank of America warn in unison: US stocks are touching the "red line" of CTA selling
After the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell for six consecutive days and the S&P 500 index hit its largest two-day decline since the Silicon Valley banking crisis, one foot of the US stock bulls seems to have reached the edge of the cliff - the two major investment banks on Wall Street, Goldman Sachs and Bank of America, are currently extremely worried that CTA (Big Commodity Trading Advisor), who has always followed the trend, may sell stocks heavily in the coming period based on their models and stop loss positions set.
Selling is actually a good opportunity to take a bottom? Wedbush supports technology stocks: Bright financial reports will "boost" by 15%!
US investment bank Wedbush has stated that after the recent decline, technology stocks will once again be strongly sought after. He believes that a bright corporate earnings season may drive technology stocks to achieve double-digit growth again before the end of the year. Led by Dan Ives, Wedbush strategists say that the profit environment for tech companies still looks strong, especially considering the ongoing AI boom that once drove tech stocks to soar.
Is the situation in the Middle East escalating? Wall Street tycoon's sharp review: Oil distribution may stand at $100
After Iran launched a missile attack on Israel over the weekend, Ed Yardeni, the president of investment consulting firm Yardeni Research and a long-term long on Wall Street, emphasized that the worsening of the Middle East conflict may drive up oil prices, with Brent crude oil prices soaring to $100 per barrel.
323 drugs in the US are urgently needed due to the "drug shortage" raid!
The most severe "drug shortage" in history struck the United States. According to the latest data from the American Society of Health System Pharmacists (ASHP) and the Utah Center for Drug Information Services, a total of 323 drugs in the United States were in severe shortage in the first quarter of this year, exceeding the record of 320 shortages in 2014. This is also the most severe drug shortage in the United States since the organization began tracking in 2001. According to statistics, the supply of all drugs, from emergency injections to diabetes drugs, is very tight.
Company News
Three out of the seven giants have turned off their engines! What does the differentiation of technology stocks mean for the market
According to Wall Street's definition, a stock that falls more than 10% from its high level is considered to have entered a correction range. Prior to this, Tesla and Apple entered a period of adjustment, while Nvidia also fell into a quagmire last week. At the same time, the stock prices of four other companies among the seven tech giants - Google's parent company Alphabet, Amazon, Facebook's parent company Meta Platforms, and Microsoft - are all close to high points. With the uncertainty of the Federal Reserve's monetary policy, the S&P 500 index is testing the short-term important moving average support, and changes in risk appetite are also causing the size of money market funds with safe haven attributes to rise again. For the US stock market, which is entering the financial reporting season, how will the market style interpret or determine the ultimate fate of this bull market.
Tesla will lay off over 14000 employees Musk: a difficult decision! An executive who has served for 18 years will also resign
According to Xinhua News Agency, US media reported on the 15th that Tesla CEO Elon Musk stated in an internal email to employees that the company will lay off more than 10% of its global employees to cut costs and improve productivity. According to Tesla's global employee count, the layoffs have affected over 14000 employees.
AI competition cannot stop chopping hands! Microsoft invests $1.5 billion in Middle Eastern giants to accelerate global expansion
In the increasingly fierce competition for artificial intelligence (AI), Microsoft has made another move. On Monday (15th) Eastern Time, the company announced that it will invest $1.5 billion in G42, a top artificial intelligence company in the United Arab Emirates. As part of the cooperation agreement, Microsoft President Brad Smith will join the G42 board of directors, and G42 will use Microsoft's Azure cloud to develop its artificial intelligence applications. This investment has given Microsoft a minority stake in G42.
Video editing may usher in a revolution! Adobe opens up a new path: exploring collaboration with OpenAI
The field of video editing may usher in a major transformation - Adobe Premiere Pro (Pr), a must-have video editing software in the film and television industry, is experiencing a breakthrough in artificial intelligence (AI) innovation. American software manufacturer Adobe announced on Monday (April 15th) that Pr software will launch a new generative artificial intelligence video tool this year, which will simplify workflow and unlock new creative possibilities.
Baidu Robin Lee: Both the number of ERNIE Bot users and the average daily API usage have exceeded 200 million
On April 16, Robin Lee, the founder, chairman and CEO of Baidu, said at the Create 2024 Baidu AI Developers Conference: "ERNIE Bot has exceeded 200 million users since its debut on March 16 last year, the number of daily API calls has also exceeded 200 million, the number of enterprise customers reached 85000, and the number of AI native applications developed by Qianfan platform exceeded 190000."
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