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Is Alibaba selling again? A response is coming!

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On March 17th, it was reported that Alibaba has basically confirmed the sale of RT Mart and Hema to COFCO internally, with an estimated 10 billion yuan for RT Mart and 20 billion yuan for Hema. Both Hema and RT Mart responded to Securities Times reporters that it was "fake.".
The reporter learned that many employees of Hema and RT Mart have also shared rumors on their social media and added comments claiming to be "fake.".
In February of this year, Alibaba Group Chairman Cai Chongxin responded to rumors of "Alibaba's exit from physical retail" at a financial report meeting, stating: "Currently, Alibaba still has some traditional physical retail businesses on its balance sheet, which are not core focused businesses. Alibaba's exit is also reasonable. However, considering the current market situation, the exit may take time to achieve." Perhaps this response has sparked rumors and attention from the outside world about Alibaba's exit from Hema and RT Mart.
On March 17th, a report quoted insiders as saying that Alibaba has basically decided to sell RT Mart and Hema to COFCO internally. RT Mart is estimated to be around 10 billion yuan, while Hema is estimated to be around 20 billion yuan. The framework agreement between the two parties has been drafted, and Jack Ma has made the final decision within Alibaba.
Regarding the rumor of being sold, Hema officials responded to inquiries from Securities Times reporters by stating that it was "fake.".
This is not the first time that Hema has reported being sold. Last December, it was reported that Alibaba Group CEO Wu Yongming made a series of capital plans, including considering selling Hema. At that time, Hema also refuted rumors that the rumors of being sold were untrue.
Previously, in November last year, Alibaba disclosed in its financial report that Hema's initial public offering plan was temporarily suspended and was evaluating market conditions and other factors necessary to ensure successful project implementation and enhance shareholder value.
RT Mart officials also responded to Securities Times reporters that the rumors were untrue and have been refuting them.
At the same time as being deeply embroiled in rumors of being sold, the business expansion of RT Mart and Hema has also received attention. RT Mart announced to reporters that on March 17th, the RT Mart Super Zhuhai Rongde store officially opened offline. This is the first store of RT Mart Super in Zhuhai, a medium-sized supermarket under Gaoxin Retail. It is reported that since January this year, Gaoxin Retail has accelerated its opening of stores. Multiple formats such as RT Mart, RT Mart Super, and M Member Store will open 21 stores nationwide this year. At the same time, based on local market and customer demand changes, operations will be adjusted. RT Mart stores that have been around for more than 10 years will be renovated, and it is expected to complete the 2.0 version reconstruction of 90 stores.
In response to the recent news of "container closures" in various regions, Hema recently issued a response stating that the so-called "container closures" mentioned in the report will result in the closure of 6-7 stores nationwide in the first half of this year due to the expiration of property contracts and the downturn of some shopping malls. Hema is also searching for better properties nearby to meet consumer demand. The article also revealed that Hema plans to open 70 new stores this year, with over 360 stores operating normally.
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