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Application of Artificial Intelligence in Automotive Research, Production, Supply and Marketing System Tesla China Recruits AI Engineers on a Large Scale

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On the afternoon of February 23, Tesla China released a recruitment message entitled "Join the Tesla AI& Industrial Internet Team and Change the World with Technology!", which opened a number of related positions including senior data algorithm experts, senior data algorithm engineers, senior data algorithm engineers, etc.
Recruitment information shows that Tesla AI& The industrial Internet team, based on its own research and development achievements, leads the company's operation and AI based technological progress of super factories. This team is using intelligent means to support daily business operations of billions, representing the highly intelligent technological core of Tesla's Shanghai Super Factory. More than 90% of the self-developed application systems on the entire stack are the super engines of Tesla's dreadnoughts, which are independently innovated.
From this recruitment, it can be seen that Tesla has already applied artificial intelligence in multiple aspects such as automotive research, production, supply, and sales. In relevant recruitment requirements, data algorithm posts focus on factory production, supply chain, sales service, charging network and other links, and do not involve Tesla's more well-known FSD auto drive system.
Previously, Tesla was more regarded as a technology company than just an automotive company, with its FSD intelligent driving system, Optimus humanoid robot, and Dojo supercomputer showcasing its technological strength beyond automotive products to the outside world.
At the beginning of this year, users compared BYD and Tesla on social media platforms. Tesla CEO Musk wrote in response, "Tesla is an AI (artificial intelligence) and robotics company, and many people believe it is an automotive company."
With the popularity of technologies and concepts such as artificial intelligence and AGI, more and more cars are being linked to technologies such as AI and large models. However, public opinion and the public are paying more attention to the empowerment of artificial intelligence in intelligent driving, intelligent cabins, and other aspects.
A management representative of a Chinese automotive company stated in an interview with reporters that with the iterative progress of applications such as SORA and CHATGPT, automotive industry practitioners should pay more attention to the empowerment and improvement of artificial intelligence, big models, and other technologies for the entire system of automotive research, production, supply, and sales. AGI (General Artificial Intelligence) may become the winner of competition among automotive companies in the coming years.
Taking the sales and service field as an example, intelligent customer service robots can better help customers answer questions and use data analysis to recommend car models that are more suitable for customers; In terms of after-sales maintenance, machine learning technology can be used to predict car faults, help maintenance personnel find problems faster, and improve the satisfaction and efficiency of after-sales service.
"Our development team has written a total of 42.96 million lines of code within a year. Now that we have the big model, at least half of the code can be handed over to the big model to write," said Men Xin, Vice President of the Brand Operations Committee of FAW Hongqi in a media interview.
The above management personnel stated that artificial intelligence can not only improve the user experience of autonomous driving and intelligent cabins, but also assist automotive companies in product design, user demand definition, unmanned production, digital twin factories, sales, after-sales service, and other aspects with the advancement of technology iteration; And with the help of AGI, there will be a significant improvement in the efficiency of research and development, manufacturing, sales, and other aspects of automotive companies. Compared with the efficiency of past automotive research, production, supply, and sales, there will be a difference between "cold weapons" and "hot weapons".
A research report by McKinsey shows that artificial intelligence in the automotive industry is expected to create over $380 billion in economic value.
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