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China Concept Stock Briefing: Bilibili plans to launch multiple platform level actions to connect JD Alibaba Pinduoduo product library through "Double 11"

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Bilibili Double 11: Traffic oriented e-commerce platform, connecting JD Alibaba Pinduoduo product library
According to Pengpai, during this year's Double 11, Bilibili has reached deep cooperation with e-commerce platforms such as Alibaba, JD.com, and Pinduoduo. At the same time, Bilibili will add a "Double 11" section internally, while retaining the original member purchase section, a "Tmall Double 11" section will be added to directly display related products, and support clicking to jump to the Tmall page for purchase. Several insiders of Bilibili have revealed to reporters that Bilibili will adopt a "big opening up" strategy in e-commerce business this year, which is to guide Bilibili traffic to e-commerce platforms. During the Double 11 period, Bilibili not only established a product library with various e-commerce platforms, but also cooperated with Alibaba, JD, and Pinduoduo in targeted ways.
The Guangzhou Game Studio on Bilibili, which spent 800 million yuan, has been revealed to be disbanded. Is there still any play for self-developed games?
According to the interface, there are reports that Bilibili Guangzhou R&D Studio has announced its dissolution, and CEO Ding Qianwei will leave the company. Except for a Japanese anime IP adaptation project "code QQ13" that has been retained due to an external cooperation contract, all other projects have been cut off. B Station Guangzhou Game R&D Studio came from the acquisition of Xinyuan Interactive, which was less than two years after the acquisition. Chen Rui, CEO of Bilibili, took over the gaming business in November last year, and the organizational structure of the gaming department underwent significant adjustments. Chen Rui believes that "in the past two years, the development of the gaming business has not been as expected, and the self-developed games have taken some detours. They have spread too far and are greedy but fruitless
The number of registered merchants for Feizhu Double 11 has increased, and it is estimated that this year's transaction volume may reach a new historical high
According to the Securities Times, the total number of tourism merchants who have signed up to participate in the Flying Pig Double 11 event has increased by more than double compared to last year, and the total number of activity products has exceeded last year's Double 11 event. Small and medium-sized businesses have become the main force, covering services such as scenic spots, amusement parks, travel agencies, and cruise ships. Merchants predict that this year's transaction volume may reach a historic high.
JD: Subsidized goods worth 1111 billion yuan this year have doubled compared to 618
According to the Securities Times, it was learned from the "JD 11.11 Really Cheap" press conference that this year JD 11.11 will open at 8pm on October 23. The number of merchants participating in JD 11.11 has increased by more than 1.5 times compared to the same period last year. The number of products participating in JD's billion yuan subsidy has doubled compared to 618 this year, and the number of low-priced products on 9.9 free shipping and flash killing channels has also significantly expanded.
JD Real Time Retail Releases a "Five Year Action Plan" to Assist Over 2 Million Local Small and Medium sized Physical Stores
According to Sina Technology, JD Real Time Retail has released a "Five Year Action Plan" that will assist in the digital transformation of over 2 million local small and medium-sized physical stores, provide more than 10 million flexible employment opportunities for society, and collaborate with ecological partners to drive trillion yuan of consumption. Real time retail is an important part of JD's ability to provide consumers with a more 'fast, cost-effective' consumption experience, and it is also an important part of collaborating with merchants and brand partners to address external challenges and achieve stable growth. "JD Retail CEO Xin Lijun said that on November 11th this year, JD Home will collaborate with over 400000 physical stores to provide" full category free shipping hourly delivery "services; At the same time, billions of yuan of resources will be invested to support new online merchants and small and medium-sized merchants, achieving omnichannel growth.
Announcement of the 2023 China VR50 Top Enterprises List
According to Shanghai Securities News, on October 19th, the 2023 World VR Industry Conference, hosted by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the People's Government of Jiangxi Province, opened in Nanchang, Jiangxi. At the opening ceremony, Zhao Qinping, honorary chairman of the Virtual Reality Industry Alliance and academician of the CAE Member, released the list of "2023 China's top 50 VR enterprises", which was the fifth consecutive time that the Virtual Reality Industry Alliance released the list. Among them, Goer Co., Ltd., Beijing Baidu Netcom Technology Co., Ltd., and Hongda Communication Co., Ltd. (HTC) ranked in the top three.
Citigroup Downgrades Baidu's Third Quarter Revenue Forecast, Ratings Buy
Citigroup has lowered Baidu's revenue forecast for the third quarter, citing weak recovery in the advertising market and project delays that have hit the cloud business. Citigroup has revised down Baidu's total revenue forecast for the third quarter from 34.9 billion yuan to 34.2 billion yuan; The delay in intelligent transportation projects may result in a 3% year-on-year decrease in cloud business revenue. Citigroup's rating of Baidu is' buy ', with a target price lowered from $182 to $178.
Qualcomm: Will collaborate with China Mobile, Baidu, and others in the XR field
At the 2023 World VR Industry Conference held today, Qualcomm Vice President and General Manager of XR Business, Si Hongguo, revealed that in the XR field, Qualcomm will conduct the latest cooperation with five Chinese companies, including China Mobile, Migu, and Baidu, covering chip computing, XR device hardware, content development, and more.
Ant Group won the original Hangzhou Youth Treasure plot for 1.54 billion yuan, adjacent to the current corporate headquarters
According to Pengpai News, on the morning of October 19th, the original Zhengda Youth Treasure plot located in the left unit of Xihu District, Hangzhou was successfully sold, and Ant Technology Group Co., Ltd. won it for 1536.73 million yuan. Pengpai News asked Ant Group to confirm whether the won plot was used for headquarters expansion, but there was no response until the press release.
Yihang Intelligence has reached strategic cooperation with the Hefei Municipal Government: will receive $100 million in support to establish the East China Regional Headquarters
According to the agreement, Yihang Intelligent will participate in the comprehensive application demonstration project of all space unmanned systems in Hefei, and start the normalized operation of unmanned aerial vehicles in Luogang Central Park. The Hefei Municipal Government plans to provide various support for Yihang Intelligent with a total value of $100 million, including coordinating or promoting purchase orders for no less than 100 EH216 series unmanned aerial vehicles, as well as financial support. In addition, Yihang Intelligent plans to establish a regional headquarters in Hefei, promoting the production, sales, and operation of unmanned aerial vehicles in the East China region, and accelerating the landing of urban air traffic.
Didi and BYD's Brazilian subsidiary signed an international landing project for domestic electric vehicles
According to the information released by Didi Travel, the third "the Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum was held in Beijing on October 17-18. At the "the Belt and Road" Entrepreneurs' Conference held during the forum, Didi signed an international landing project for domestic electric vehicles with BYD's Brazilian subsidiary, Dahruj, a Brazilian car rental company, and LTURAnMob, a Brazilian fleet management service provider. Within 2023, Didi will introduce and deploy 300 BYD electric vehicles through its travel platform in Brazil. At the high-level forum on the digital economy held during the forum, Didi also signed a contract with Brazilian fintech company BePay to acquire 100% of its equity.
The National Press and Publication Administration announces the implementation of the "Online Game Boutique Publishing Project"
According to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the National Press and Publication Administration has issued a notice to implement the online game boutique publishing project. The notice proposes to focus on the essence of the game, correct algorithmic rules, and use loving, beneficial, interesting gameplay and stories to delight the body and mind, warm the soul, and enlighten and enhance wisdom. Follow up on the latest technologies in blockchain, artificial intelligence, 5G, and other fields, focusing on the cutting-edge directions of new generation information technology such as virtual reality, perceptual interaction, game engines, action capture, and scene rendering, and launch a batch of original, leading, and breakthrough game works in key technology research and development. Games that have achieved significant international influence are better integrated into the spiritual symbols and cultural essence of Chinese civilization through product iterations and series sequels.
Zhejiang releases the "List of Main Responsibilities of Online Trading Platform Operators"
According to Xinhua News Agency, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Zhejiang Province, together with 10 provincial departments in Zhejiang Province, has compiled and released the "List of Main Responsibilities of Network Trading Platform Operators", which categorizes and sorts out the general responsibilities of the platform and six common types of platform responsibility lists. This provides guidance for platform enterprises to fully implement legal responsibilities and fulfill their responsibilities according to regulations, and promotes the standardized and healthy development of the platform economy. It is reported that the responsibility list starts from clarifying and implementing the main responsibilities of the platform and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of all parties involved in online trading platforms. In accordance with 75 relevant laws and regulations such as the Civil Code and the E-commerce Law, the general responsibilities of the platform, as well as the live marketing platform, food trading and catering service platform, tourism service platform, cosmetics online trading platform, medical device online trading platform, are classified and sorted A list of six common types of platform responsibilities, including drug online trading platforms, covers the common responsibilities and special regulatory requirements of platform enterprises.
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