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Hong En releases its first ESG report: Implementing the concept of sustainable development and providing green, diverse, and high-quality products

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Recently, Hong En, a technology puzzle product company, released its first Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) report, elaborating on the company's ESG dynamics for 2022. The report comprehensively introduces the company's ESG governance mechanism and provides a detailed explanation of the company's performance in a series of environmental and social indicators.
Dai Peng, Director and CEO of Hongen, said, "Hongen's commitment to nurturing the next generation is not limited to providing high-quality puzzle tools. We also hope to make the Earth's environment cleaner and society more equitable. This mission runs through all aspects of our operations and is reflected in our comprehensive upgraded ESG governance architecture. The release of the first ESG report is an important milestone in Hongen's development history."
Hongen integrates ESG concepts into all aspects of daily operations and transmits them to users and the whole society through Hongen's products and services, mainly reflected in six aspects: products, users, employees, business partners, company operations, and environmental protection. By actively leveraging its business advantages, based on strong research and development capabilities and high-quality original content, Hongen provides users with green, diverse, and high-quality products, Embark on a journey of cognitive development for children, striving to achieve the integration and symbiosis of social, environmental, and economic interests.
Creating green products is an important way for companies to achieve sustainable development. In the process of product design and manufacturing, Hongen prioritizes environmentally friendly materials to reduce adverse effects on the environment. For example, the company uses standard soy ink and environmentally friendly ink to reduce the use and emissions of harmful chemicals. In terms of product content, Hongen actively introduces positive guidance content related to environmental protection, such as sustainable development, resource protection, garbage classification, etc., to convey environmental protection concepts to children.
In terms of social responsibility, Hongen has always adhered to using products, services, and its own practices to enhance the popularization of parenting and reflect the social value of the enterprise. The company provides a more enjoyable parenting experience for more families and institutions by improving the cost-effectiveness of its products. At the same time, Hong En encourages employees to personally visit remote areas for inspections, understand the needs and importance of promoting childcare, and provide childcare materials donations to more children according to their needs, supporting more children to have a happy journey of growth.
Hongen Chairman Chi Yufeng stated that Hongen's vision is to "make parenting easier for parents and children's growth happier." Hongen's greatest motivation has always been a sense of responsibility to society and the original intention of the industry. Creating corporate social value is not just about one day or one night. Hong En will promote the company's ESG governance level with higher standards, actively assume social responsibility, and contribute to the sustainable development of society.
In the future, Hongen will always adhere to the company philosophy of "making parenting easier for parents and children's growth happier", work together with partners to help promote inclusive parenting and cultivate future builders. The company will continue to promote green office, pay attention to talent team construction, and support a diverse, inclusive, and green society. At the same time, we will also promote the improvement of ESG governance level with higher standards, continuously optimize ESG key performance, deeply embed ESG concepts in company culture, and contribute to the sustainable development of society.
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