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Introducing multiple supportive policies to empower the high-quality development of Nanyang's e-commerce industry with effective support from JD.com

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On September 7th, JD.com with the theme of "Empowering a New Quality Future with Digital Intelligence"; The Nanyang Regional Industrial Cluster Merchant Empowerment Conference and JD (Dengzhou) Smart Logistics Port Opening Ceremony were grandly held.
On JD.com& At the Nanyang Regional Industrial Cluster Merchant Empowerment Conference, relevant personnel from JD Retail and Logistics, as well as JD's official live streaming partners, shared topics on JD Retail's Nanyang Industrial Belt support policies, JD Specialty Pavilion, JD Live streaming policies, enterprise supply chain, and other aspects, further driving local merchants' transformation and upgrading, and empowering the high-quality development of Nanyang's e-commerce industry.
Liu Ruonan, the head of the Investment Business Department of the JD Retail Supermarket Business Group in Henan Province, gave a presentation on the relevant support measures for JD Retail. It is reported that JD Retail has announced four major support measures to promote the rapid development of related industrial belt enterprises in Nanyang City, mainly including the introduction of exclusive policies in four aspects: creating characteristic industrial belt clusters, reducing operating costs, store management, and omnichannel marketing.
In terms of merchant settlement, JD Retail will establish a "green channel" for merchants to settle in the Nanyang Industrial Belt, leverage JD's brand influence and policy advantages, and tilt support for merchants in the Nanyang Industrial Belt to concentrate on settling on the JD platform, "said Liu Ruonan. In addition, to help Nanyang merchants achieve rapid growth after joining JD.com, JD Retail has also launched a series of operational empowerment measures, providing clearer growth paths for merchants at different stages of development.
JD Specialty Store is a key poverty alleviation and agricultural assistance project developed by JD Group. Yang Ming, the head of JD Retail Agricultural Specialty Business Operations, provided a detailed introduction to the business situation of JD Specialty Store.
According to Yang Ming, JD Specialty Store has opened over 2000 merchants in total. At present, there are a total of 103 specialty stores opened by merchants in Henan Province on the JD platform, including 26 in Nanyang City, including agricultural specialty stores, agricultural assistance stores, China landmark stores, China time-honored brand stores, and China intangible cultural heritage stores.
The main business of JD Specialty Store is to collaborate with local governments, associations, and other organizations to support rural revitalization projects. By leveraging JD's advantages in e-commerce, logistics, big data, and other areas, it promotes the upward movement of agricultural products, which helps to enhance the brand influence and external circulation of regional specialty products, "said Yang Ming.
As the official live streaming partner of JD.com, Zhou Xiaoxuan, the head of Guangzhou Mark Culture Communication Co., Ltd., interpreted JD's live streaming policies.
According to Zhou Xiaoxuan, in terms of digital human live streaming policies, JD.com has launched AI virtual digital human anchors to help brands create "sun never sets" live streaming rooms. Through the combination of real people and virtual humans, the duration of live streaming rooms can be fully utilized, traffic can be absorbed, conversion can be promoted, and ROI can be improved, achieving 24-hour live streaming without stopping, exposure without stopping, drainage without stopping, interaction without stopping, and conversion without stopping.
In addition, Zhu Wei, the sales manager of JD Logistics Henan Branch, shared on the theme of "JD Logistics helps Nanyang enterprises' supply chain become more competitive". Zhu Wei stated that JD Supply Chain Logistics focuses on supply chain warehousing and distribution, large household appliances and home furnishings, warehouse delivery, pharmaceutical cold chain product planning, and full lifecycle capability building. With the support of value supply chain intelligent business warehouses, Jinghui Warehouse Network planning, and data-driven operation services, it provides integrated supply chain solutions and operational services for five major industries including consumer goods, 3C, fashion, household appliances, and home furnishings, achieving cost reduction and efficiency improvement for customers.
The relevant person in charge of JD Group stated that JD Group will continue to leverage its supply chain and technological advantages, promote deepening cooperation with Nanyang Dengzhou, guide JD resources and ecological partner resources, promote the coordinated development of local industries such as education integration, rural revitalization, and smart health care, enhance the visibility of local characteristic industries, create regional public brands, and jointly explore broader cooperation space and more diverse cooperation models.
It is reported that the theme of this event is "Empowering a New Quality Future with Digital Intelligence", aiming to further establish and improve the modern logistics industry system in Nanyang City, accelerate the construction of the JD (Dengzhou) Smart Logistics Port project, promote Dengzhou to become an important inter provincial logistics node, strengthen the linkage and coordination between JD Group and industries such as rural revitalization, manufacturing, commerce, education, health, and food in Nanyang City, and promote the high-quality development of the e-commerce industry.
This event is hosted by the People's Government of Nanyang City and JD Group, and organized by the People's Government of Dengzhou City, JD Logistics, and JD Retail.
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