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Apple Vision Pro is expected to hit the market in February next year: it has been in full production in China for several weeks

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According to insiders, Apple Inc. is increasing its production of Vision Pro hybrid reality (MR) head worn devices in preparation for their launch in February next year.
It is reported that this new product is being produced at full speed in factories in China and has been ongoing for several weeks. Insiders say that Apple's goal is to prepare customer facing products by the end of January and release them in retail channels the following month.
In addition, Apple sent an email to software developers on Wednesday encouraging them to use the latest tools to test their applications, prepare Vision Pro, and send their software to Apple as feedback. This is another sign that the product is approaching the release stage.
This will be Apple's most complex product launch to date, requiring a brand new sales strategy and equipment. This headset comes with customized components that need to be assembled and boxed at the point of sale. If the Vision Pro is not worn correctly on the user's head, the device will not be able to display content properly and may feel particularly heavy.
Vision Pro is the first new product category launched by Apple since it began selling smartwatches in 2015. The company is facing additional pressure to promote a still novel concept to consumers: hybrid reality, which combines virtual reality and augmented reality. In addition, in order to release this $3500 device, Apple stores need to free up more space, as well as new display areas and venues.
Of course, last-minute production issues or other obstacles may delay the planned schedule.
In order to quickly keep up with the progress of its stores, Apple will send at least two employees from each retail store to the headquarters for training next month. The two-day meeting will start from the first week of January and will be held in batches within a few days. Then, these employees will manage the sales of the device in their store and teach peers how to market the product.
Eight years ago, when Apple first launched the Apple Watch, it held two media events to promote the device before its release. This is unlikely to happen on Vision Pro.
This low-key release may include the following reasons. Firstly, due to its high price, Vision Pro is out of reach for many consumers and was initially only released in the United States. The two-hour battery life and product weight may also deter shoppers, which some testers find uncomfortable.
In addition, manufacturing is also very complex. Therefore, even if this product is highly popular among consumers, Apple may still find itself in a situation of insufficient production. This device includes two ultra-high resolution displays, two processors, and multiple external cameras. All these components must be suitable for a curved shape and have zero defects.
Finally, Apple has also been developing the operating system VisionOS for the next generation of devices. This software is expected to be released later in 2024, along with operating systems from other major Apple devices.
In a report sent to developers on Wednesday, Apple stated, "There are still many new features in the future. We can't wait to see what happens next year."
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