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JD's "Spring Dawn Plan" Heavily Upgrades and Launches 12 New Support Measures, Merchant Live Streaming Can Get 5000 Traffic Coupons

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In the just concluded JD 618 promotion, 83 brands achieved a cumulative transaction volume of over 1 billion yuan on JD.com, with sales growth exceeding 50% among over 150000 small and medium-sized businesses. In order to better support the continuous growth of third-party merchants, on June 26th, JD.com announced another major upgrade of its "Spring Dawn Plan". This time, 12 new support measures will be launched around three aspects: content marketing assistance, business tool efficiency improvement, and new business growth assistance. These include new business live streaming receiving 5000 fixed traffic vouchers as incentives, "Jingdian" launching AI hot copywriting, and the launch of a free version of the official intelligent customer service robot.
At the same time, JD provides a more convenient store opening process. Merchants only need to search for "I want to open a store" on the JD App or search for the "JD Investment Promotion" mini program on WeChat to directly reach the store opening entrance. The fastest time to enter is 1 minute, realizing the dream of opening a simple store for 0 yuan and making money easily.
Content marketing opens up new growth channels for merchants, participating in live streaming can earn 5000 traffic vouchers
As the core content of this "Spring Dawn Plan" upgrade, content marketing support includes three major highlights, namely new merchant live streaming incentives, intelligent website marketing placement, and AI intelligent copywriting function upgrade.
Previously, JD.com announced that it would invest 1 billion yuan in cash and 1 billion yuan in traffic as rewards, with no upper limit, to attract more video original authors and content institutions to settle in, expand into the short video and live streaming fields, and help brands and businesses find new growth opportunities through good content. After the upgrade of the "Spring Dawn Plan", JD.com has provided more incentive policies for merchants in live streaming and short videos. New merchants who participate in the task and meet the incentive threshold can receive 5000 fixed traffic vouchers, as well as the opportunity to share 10 million fixed traffic vouchers and 1 million yuan live advertising incentive funds. This will help merchants more efficiently achieve user acquisition and conversion.
As an official technology product of JD.com, JD Cloud's "Yanxi" digital person has further helped businesses reduce costs and increase efficiency. Starting today, businesses can purchase the "Yanxi" digital person live streaming annual service and receive one month of free service as a bonus.
At the advertising level, JD's digital marketing service platform "Jingzhuntong" has also comprehensively upgraded its "all site marketing" products, allowing merchants to more efficiently access JD's high-quality traffic resources, drive rapid sales growth, and enhance the overall store business scale. As a low-priced factory type white label merchant, ABU Trading Kitchenware Store relies on JD's "full site marketing" products to complete advertising operations in just two steps, steadily increasing store traffic. During this year's JD "618" period, by participating in cross store discounts and other activities, the transaction orders increased by nearly 900% year-on-year.
In addition, JD's AIGC content generation platform "Jingdian Dian" has launched a new AI hot topic copywriting function, which can capture real-time hot topic information from more than 30 mainstream social media platforms, and combine it with JD's products, brands, and activities to automatically generate marketing copy. This innovation will provide merchants with more intelligent and efficient copywriting services, greatly improving marketing efficiency, and saving tens of thousands of yuan in operating expenses every year.
Deep integration of AI technology: automatic pre filling of information for quick product delivery, making store operations more efficient
In the fiercely competitive e-commerce environment, how to improve business efficiency and reduce labor costs through technology is the focus of attention for businesses.
After the upgrade of the "Spring Dawn Plan", JD Merchant Workbench "Jingmai" has achieved quality and efficiency improvement in the product delivery process through deep integration of AI technology. By optimizing algorithm capabilities and product interaction interfaces, merchants can achieve automatic pre filling of information through image transmission in some categories; At the same time, the AI creative generation function can automatically generate product titles, product detail images, and other content. The product release can be completed within 30 seconds, making it faster and more convenient to ship.
It is worth mentioning that JD.com has launched a free official intelligent customer service robot for all merchants for the first time. This tool has fully automatic reception mode and manual assistance mode, comprehensive functions and easy operation, improving service experience and conversion efficiency, while reducing operational and human costs. The JD service market has also upgraded the rights and interests of merchants, providing 26 ISV tools worth nearly 10000 yuan, third-party operation services, and official tools. It supports merchants to try them out for free for 1 month at 0 yuan, fully helping them achieve efficient operation.
In addition, JD's "source of goods platform" has also been upgraded, with access to a richer range of goods and excellent quality, which can meet the different needs of merchants. Merchants can achieve light asset operation, reduce inventory pressure and capital occupation through a dropshipping service.
Provide more traffic support and exclusive training for new merchants to accelerate business growth
In order to help new merchants enhance their competitiveness, JD's "Spring Dawn Plan" has been upgraded to comprehensively support the rapid growth of new merchants from traffic support, exclusive training, to high popularity business opportunity product traffic tilt.
Firstly, in the growth path of new merchants, JD.com has made rapid iterations this year, launching 9 major tasks for new merchant growth, comprehensively promoting the deep integration of low price strategy and traffic acquisition. Merchants can obtain more traffic rights through core strategies such as low price, advertising, and marketing, including traffic support opportunities for channels and fields such as billion yuan subsidies, flash sales, ranking lists, cheap free shipping, JD.com live streaming, etc., to help merchants quickly break orders and continue to grow in their new stores. Secondly, JD.com has launched a special "Source Good Goods" channel, focusing on high-quality sources of goods in the industrial belt, providing additional exposure opportunities for new merchants' products.
JD.com has also customized more exclusive training programs for new merchants, and has launched 13 core courses for new store cold opening to help new merchants quickly master the core skills of e-commerce operations. These courses cover multiple aspects such as how to establish connections with JD.com, new merchant rights, basic store operations, product promotion, and event registration, aiming to help new merchants quickly unlock simple and effective selling secrets and help them grow faster.
In addition, JD's free product selection tool "Business Opportunity Center" has added modules such as "JD Sales Recommendation" and "Market Hot Selling Trends", providing merchants with more business opportunity insight analysis and opportunity product mining functions, helping them capture more information on hot selling opportunity products in the industry. It is reported that when merchants release highly popular business opportunities, there is a chance for search exposure and visit purchase rates to increase by more than three times.
In addition to the 12 new support measures mentioned above, JD's "Spring Dawn Plan" continues to provide merchants with support policies such as "zero yuan trial operation", "new store gift packages", and over 80% of categories with reduced deductions and free commission. JD will continue to promote the prosperity and development of the merchant ecosystem through the "Spring Dawn Plan", continuously reduce costs and increase efficiency through the supply chain, and promote the common healthy growth of brands, merchants, and JD.
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