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Liu Qiangdong's internal reply: Will not lie flat. JD's foundation is still going to bottom out

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After Jack Ma posted on the Alibaba intranet stating that "Alibaba will change, Alibaba will change", JD founder and chairman Liu Qiangdong also replied to employees on the company intranet, "No matter what, I will not lie flat, and I hope my brothers will never lie flat."
21st Century Business Herald reporters learned from insiders that Liu Qiangdong's remarks were due to a JD employee posting on the company's intranet, earnestly sharing insights about operations. The employee mentioned some of JD's current operational issues, such as complex promotion mechanisms, poor promotional agency, and inadequate implementation of low prices.
According to 21st Century Business Herald reporters, the above-mentioned employees suggested in their posts that simplifying promotion rules and platform ecology require further support for pop merchants, especially emphasizing support for low-priced stores and departmental linkage. They should make users more aware of low-priced mentality, consolidate JD's category mentality in addition to low-priced products, and "find the point where users must come to JD.".
In response to this, Liu Qiangdong replied in a post, "This brother has said too well. Every time he points to the pain points of the company, they are all real problems that must be changed. Otherwise, we have no way out."
Liu Qiangdong also said, "Anyway, I won't lie flat, and I hope my brothers will never lie flat. The organization is huge, bloated, and inefficient now, and changing it will indeed take time... JD's foundation is still there, and I believe we will definitely get out of the valley."
JD Liu Qiangdong's reply originated from the discussion of JD's operational mechanism, but it is more of a statement, determined to take JD out of the current low valley through battles, and also an encouragement for JD's "brothers".
The former e-commerce giants are trying to find a way in the new business cycle, and this battle will be even more challenging than before.
Attached is the full text of Liu Qiangdong's intranet reply:
I am in the car and there may be typing errors due to shaking. I hope everyone can understand. I think this brother said it too well. It can be said that when it comes to the pain points of the company, they are all real problems that must be changed. Otherwise, we have no way out.
We prioritize customers every day, but in our work, we always think about ourselves as the center! We often say that in combat, we only prioritize, but we defend everywhere and never think about how to take the initiative! Many people talk about innovation every day, but they just plagiarize and follow others every day.
There have been so many problems, of course, all due to my poor management, and I am very self blaming. But no matter what, I won't lie flat, and I hope my brothers won't lie flat. The organization is huge, bloated, and inefficient now, and changing it does take time.
I hope brothers can be more patient. Today, there are still many brothers who dare to tell the truth and persist in fighting. JD's foundation is still strong, and I believe we will definitely get out of the valley. Any person or company will go through several peaks and valleys in order to achieve greatness.
I am grateful to this brother for his sincere advice and suggestions. I can feel that he loves the company very much. Thank you very much, brother. Thank you also to every hardworking brother. Let's work together to change!
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