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Building digital development through product innovation, Texas Instruments will bring more results at this year's CIIE

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The annual China International Import Expo (hereinafter referred to as "CIIE") was held in Shanghai from November 5th to 10th, 2023. This year, the enthusiasm of exhibitors has not diminished, with over 3400 participating companies. As an "old friend" participating in the semiconductor industry, Texas Instruments has made its debut at the CIIE in its third year with the theme of "Assisting Digital Innovation and Joining in High Quality Development".
We hope to showcase what kind of world chips can help everyone see and understand what our industry is doing. "Cai Zheng, General Manager of the Automotive Electronics OEM Business Unit of Texas Instruments China, has rich experience in the semiconductor field. In his observation, compared to the first year of" moving "all chips and underlying technologies to the booth, Texas Instruments' booth display this year is more focused and concrete. Robotic robotic arms that can be controlled and collaborated with gestures, as well as advanced driving assistance systems for electric vehicles, have all been presented on the exhibition stand of this year's CIIE.
This is indeed a cut in observing how Texas Instruments participates in the CIIE and deeply cultivates the Chinese market. When it first participated in the CIIE in 2021, Texas Instruments announced the official launch of a product distribution center in Shenzhen. At this year's CIIE, Texas Instruments showcased a series of innovative technologies and achievements in recent years, mainly focusing on energy storage systems, electric vehicle traction inverters, driving assistance systems, and industrial and collaborative robots.
These areas have been the key markets that Texas Instruments has been focusing on in China in recent years. Similarly, Texas Instruments has conducted in-depth innovative research and development in these three major sectors.
In terms of renewable energy, Texas Instruments' simulation and embedded processing technology is committed to the transition to more sustainable green energy in the future through more intelligent and reliable photovoltaic systems, energy storage systems, and electric vehicle charging systems.
In the robotics sector, Texas Instruments and Gaochuang Motion Control Company jointly released SmartPX intelligent multi-axis driver at the booth. It adopts Texas Instruments' microcontroller, real-time controller, and simulation technology, achieving high reliability and performance, supporting multiple protocols, and being economical and practical, and can be applied to Industry 4.0 robots.
In the automotive electronics sector, Texas Instruments showcased its innovative products and technologies for electric vehicles and advanced driving assistance systems on site. It is worth mentioning that during this CIIE, Texas Instruments and CRRC Electric Drive released a new motor controller main control platform at the exhibition booth. This platform adopts the dedicated real-time control processing function of Texas Instruments C2000TM microcontroller in motor control applications, which can help develop more efficient, better performance, and safer motor controllers.
In addition, Texas Instruments also showcased an efficient, high-performance, silicon carbide based device on its new Arm& Reg; Cortex& Reg- 300kW, 800V traction inverter system with R microcontroller (MCU). The new AM263P4-Q1 MCU further enhances the performance of traction inverters, making them more economical and practical, and doubling the speed of electric vehicle motors.
At present, the competition in the semiconductor industry is fierce, and the prosperous ecology of the Chinese automotive market brings huge opportunities to Texas Instruments. According to the third quarter financial report of this year, Texas Instruments' revenue for the quarter was $4.53 billion, with the automotive business continuing to grow. Data shows that in 2022, the automotive business revenue accounted for 25% of Texas Instruments' global business.
In fact, the practice in the automotive industry also reflects the current strategy chosen by Texas Instruments: co creation with customers, product iteration and innovation.
Cai Zheng mentioned in an interview that there are two innovations involved. One is product iteration, such as 4D millimeter wave radar; On the other hand, it is system level innovation. Texas Instruments and customers work together to optimize their products and upgrade the system to the extreme.
At present, Chinese car companies have started to go overseas, and the competition faced by customers is intensifying, and the demand for product technology will also be more refined. Regarding the specific focus on product capabilities, Cai Zheng summarized that on the one hand, it is cost iteration. Texas Instruments adopts the IDM model, with continuous iteration of technology and products; The second aspect lies in product innovation, such as Texas Instruments launching high-precision AFE for battery energy, which is an advanced manufacturer in the industry to achieve such high precision. Finally, there is long-term power supply safety. Cai Zheng stated that safety is not only about job protection, but also about grasping the quality of production processes. He believes that these are the long-term competitiveness of Texas Instruments.
Throughout this year's CIIE, the joint release with clients is a major highlight brought by Texas Instruments. In addition to the above achievements, on November 6th, Texas Instruments teamed up with Desai Xiwei to jointly release new products at the CIIE booth. Through Texas Instruments' TDA4VM visual AI processor and AM62A visual AI processor, Desai Xiwei is able to develop complete and cost-effective high-speed autonomous navigation assisted driving solutions faster. In addition, Jingwei Hengrun Intelligent Sensing Interior Rearview Mirror, 4D Millimeter Wave Radar, and Parking Automatic Driving Domain Controller were jointly released during the China International Expo. These products use Texas Instruments' ARM architecture based processors and Radar technology in fields such as intelligent cockpit and autonomous driving.
These displays mean that co creating and innovating products with customers will become the overall trend in the future. Cai Zheng analyzed that the reason behind this is that China has already begun to guide global innovation in the field of electric vehicles, and companies indeed have no other way to refer to, and can only explore their own path of innovation. Top customers have product iterations, and new corporate customers are also gaining a foothold in the market through their own innovation. As long as customers have ideas, we will help them complete solution design, "said Cai Zheng.
Since the 1980s, Texas Instruments has been collaborating with customers in various markets such as industrial, automotive, and personal electronics in China, providing convenient design and purchasing experiences for Chinese customers through nationwide sales and technical support subsidiaries and TI.com.
As an established chip manufacturer, Texas Instruments has demonstrated changes and unchangeability, which precisely confirms its increasingly deep connection with the Chinese market.
At present, Texas Instruments has established a local support system covering multiple regions through continuous investment, including an integrated manufacturing base located in Chengdu, a highly automated product distribution center located in Shanghai and Shenzhen, and three research and development centers in Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen. In addition, the transformation of distribution channels in China is also a long-term practice of Texas Instruments in the Chinese market, to help customers directly order semiconductor devices from its direct e-commerce channels and improve delivery speed.
As the inventor of integrated circuits, Texas Instruments has always been committed to making electronic products more economical and practical through semiconductor technology. In 1986, Texas Instruments entered China. Over the past thirty years, we have been working hard to provide better local support to Chinese customers, helping them overcome challenging design challenges and achieve success
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