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Shijida claims that the maritime order is not controlled by force.

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On Saturday, 4 November, the Japanese Prime Minister, Wen shieda, who is currently visiting Manila, stated that Japan, the Philippines and the United States were working together to protect freedom in the South China Sea and pledged to assist Manila in strengthening its security capacity.

In his address to the Philippine Congress, Mr. Wen-hsiung Chiïda said: “In the South China Sea, trilateral cooperation for the protection of freedom of the sea (Japan and the United States) is under way”.

By agreeing on Friday to initiate the negotiation of the Agreement on Reciprocal Access (RAA) between the President of China and the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos Jr., RAA could simplify the procedures for the exchange of military visits and the transport of arms and ammunition, promote interoperability between the two armies and be regarded as a “parallel” of defence cooperation. This will also significantly expand joint training among the three countries, including the United States, to enhance deterrence.

The Philippines and Japan, two of the closest Asian allies of the United States, have taken a strong stand in the decades-long maritime sovereignty dispute over what they have identified as acts of aggression by Chinese vessels.

Last month, there was a ship crash between China and the Philippines in the disputed waters of the South China Sea, as a result of the interception by Chinese vessels of Philippine naval police and transport vessels transporting supplies to Philippine naval vessels and marines on beach. Both sides blamed each other, raising regional tensions.

The Chinese Government claims sovereignty over almost the entire South China Sea, including parts of the exclusive economic zone of Brunei Darussalam, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Viet Nam. The Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague in 2016 stated that there was no legal basis for China ' s claim. Although Japan has no claim to sovereignty over the South China Sea, there is a maritime dispute with China in the East China Sea.

“Japan will continue to contribute to enhancing the security capacity of the Philippines, thereby contributing to peace and stability in the region”, said Wen Hsiida.

In March this year, Japan observed the United States/United States military exercises and in June, the Philippines and Japan Coast Guard first combined training.

“Through these efforts, let us protect a maritime order governed by law and rules, not by force of arms”. Last December, Japan announced a $320 billion military expansion plan aimed at responding to China ' s growing military strength.

It was also announced that Japan would agree to provide coastal surveillance radar to the Philippines, the first cooperation project in the world under the Japanese official security assistance (OSA) programme, aimed at helping to enhance the deterrence capacity of the Tokyo partner countries.

According to a Japanese senior government official who was reluctant to reveal his name on Saturday, the radars would be located in five different areas off the coast of the Philippines, where the Philippine Navy would be used for coastal surveillance to enhance maritime security capacity in the Philippines.

At the meeting, Qijida stated: “Japan and the Philippines are strategic partners in sharing basic values. Desirous of strengthening collaboration for the maintenance of a free and open international order based on the rule of law.” For its part, Marcos Jr. expressed his intention to promote economic development and security cooperation with Japan, and expressed his positive “happiness” at the cooperation of the three countries, including the United States.

(The paper refers to Reuters reports. I'm not sure.
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