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The stocking target for iPhone 16 has been raised to 90 million units, and Hongteng Precision once saw a surge of nearly 15%

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After experiencing two consecutive days of stock price decline, Hongteng Precision (06088. HK) rebounded significantly today, with a surge of nearly 15% during trading. As of publication, it rose 12.13% to HKD 3.42.
According to sources from Apple Industry Chain, the company has recently received a slight increase in the stocking target for the iPhone 16 series. After the increase, the stocking target for the iPhone 16 series this year is around 90 million units. Another Apple industry chain company official stated that Apple has indeed slightly increased its iPhone 16 series stocking target guidance recently.
An executive from Apple's industrial chain company stated that during the domestic 618 e-commerce promotion in June, Apple adopted a price reduction promotion strategy. After the price reduction of the iPhone 15 series, sales significantly increased, which may have boosted Apple's sales expectations for the iPhone 16 series.
Stimulated by this news, Apple's stock price rose 0.65% overnight, setting a closing record for the fifth consecutive trading day, with a total market value close to $3.5 trillion, surpassing Microsoft and returning to the top spot in the US stock market.
With the strong performance of Apple's stock price, related stocks have also seen significant gains, including Hongteng Precision. According to public information, the company is a leading global supplier of professional precision components. In addition, he is also a subsidiary of Hon Hai Group.
At present, Hongteng Precision's business mainly involves mobile phone components, network facilities, computers and consumer electronics, electric vehicles, system terminal products, and other aspects. According to a research report by Goldman Sachs, the shipment momentum of the two major products, iPhone and AI servers, is the key to driving the future operational growth of Hon Hai Group.
Why is the Apple iPhone 16 series constantly popular?
According to multiple reports, the Apple iPhone 16 is expected to bring multiple major updates, including upgrades to the imaging system, screen enlargement, chip skip upgrades, widespread adoption of high refresh rate screens across the entire series, new operation and shooting buttons, and memory upgrades.
It is worth noting that last month, Apple announced at the World Developers Conference (WWDC) that it will offer ChatGP in the new AI features of the iPhone, iPad, and Mac series.
Institutions believe that AI may drive Apple into a "wave of device upgrades"
In fact, the market is generally optimistic that the new feature of AI may drive sales growth of Apple phones. As CITIC Securities pointed out in its previous research report, based on the continuous optimization of the AI experience, it is expected that Apple will lead a new wave of device upgrades, which will be driven by AI technology.
The securities firm also pointed out that considering Apple's huge user base, it is expected that the iPhone will experience strong replacement momentum in 2025. It is expected that the shipment volume of iPhones will reach 225 million, 240 million, and 250 million units respectively from 2024 to 2026, entering an upward trend in shipment volume.
They also pointed out that according to statistics, as of 2023, there are 1.46 billion active iPhone devices in the global stock. Even excluding the 230 million new iPhone devices shipped in 2023, the number of active devices is as high as 1.23 billion. Therefore, the replacement power brought by "AI experience+hardware exclusivity" is worth looking forward to.
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