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Alipay upgraded bar code payment: payment can be made without displaying the payment code "touch" on the mobile phone

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It is unnecessary to exit the current operation page and open the payment software to pay in games, drama swiping and videos. Alipay has upgraded and launched the direct payment method of mobile touch.
On the opening day of Alipay on July 8, Alipay announced the upgrading of bar code payment experience and the launch of "Alipay Touch". Users do not need to display payment codes, unlock mobile phones and touch merchant collection devices to complete payment as soon as possible.
Compared with the familiar Alipay "sweep", "touch" is more simple and direct. The original code scanning and payment steps are divided into three steps. Users need to enter the Alipay App and click the payment code, and "touch" the phone directly to complete the payment in one step at the fastest.
Alipay upgraded barcode payment
It is reported that the "touch" payment method is compatible with various mobile systems, and whether using Android or Apple phones, payment can be made directly with just a touch. At the same time, the "Alipay Touch" related cashier equipment supports scanning the user's payment code for payment, and also supports scanning the payment code of each payment platform (Alipay, WeChat, cloud flash payment, etc.).
Alipay said that its "touch" and "scan" belong to barcode payment. The difference is that "scan" uses the display screen and camera on the mobile phone, and "touch" uses the near-field communication technology on the mobile phone. After the interaction is completed using the above sensors, the payment is completed on the network side, and both have the same security. Alipay said that it still promised "I will pay if you dare".
When talking about the difference between "Alipay touch" and traditional NFC payment, Li Jiajia, vice president of Alipay, said in an interview that the logic was that Alipay was more concerned about users' data security and would not easily store users' data outside of Alipay servers.
He said that if you swipe the bus card with mobile phone NFC, you need to store the card information in the mobile phone, and then the mobile phone and the terminal device operate, so what you transmit is the card information and card data. Alipay essentially authenticates between the mobile phone and the terminal, and all the information is saved in the Alipay server.
Alipay launched its first barcode payment product in July 2011, and then upgraded the barcode to a two-dimensional code. In December 2018, Alipay launched a face brushing payment service without carrying mobile phones. After five and a half years, Alipay again upgraded its payment method, upgraded its bar code payment experience, and launched the "Touch". At present, more than 2300 brands and businesses in six cities, including Shanghai, Chengdu, Wuhan, Changsha, Hangzhou and Fuzhou, have successively accessed "Alipay Touch".
For this upgrade, Alipay said that on the one hand, it is to meet users' demand for a safe and convenient payment experience. "Touch" can simplify the payment steps, make the operation more convenient and direct, and does not involve users' privacy concerns about palm swiping, fingerprints and other biological information. On the other hand, it can also meet the business needs of different merchants. New brand users can complete membership in as little as 3 seconds, and brand members can enjoy membership prices and points with just a touch. According to the calculations of the first batch of cooperating merchants, "just a touch" effectively improves brand business efficiency by 10% -30%.
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