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Tesla v. Self Media Reputation Infringement Case: Winning Judgment Reveals Tesla Chaozhou Accident Appraisal Results

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On November 1st, the Red Star Capital Bureau learned from Tesla (TSLA. US) that Tesla has won a lawsuit against a self media reputation infringement case, and the Tesla Chaozhou Accident Court has determined that it is not related to the vehicle.
Tesla stated that the self media has long released a large number of untrue statements against Tesla, including a video containing subjective assumptions about the Tesla Chaozhou accident.
According to the civil judgment in the reputation infringement case, the court found that the "Tesla brake incident" mentioned in the video involved was a traffic accident that occurred on November 5, 2022 in Raoping County (Tesla Chaozhou accident). The appraisal opinion issued by the appraisal agency stated that it can exclude the possibility of accidents caused by the failure of the brake and steering devices on Tesla small ordinary buses.
Finally, the court decided in the first instance that we media should issue an apology statement and set the top 30 days in its Tiktok (account name: Big Eye Says Car), apologize to Tesla, eliminate the impact, restore the reputation, and compensate Tesla 30000 yuan.
On October 28th, self media "Big Eyed Brother Says Car" released a video stating that they had lost a reputation infringement lawsuit against Tesla, but were not satisfied with the first instance judgment and decided to appeal. He stated that firstly, he did not see the accident appraisal report, which is the key evidence to determine whether Tesla's brakes have malfunctioned, and it was only read out during the trial; Secondly, if it is unrelated to the vehicle, the driver involved in the accident is considered a criminal offense, but the person involved has not been sentenced.
"Big Eye Says Car" Tiktok Video Response

Tesla has informed the Red Star Capital Board that it is unable to provide accident identification reports or other information.
On November 5, 2022, a Tesla in Chaozhou, Guangdong Province was suspected to have lost control of high-speed driving for more than 2 kilometers and collided with a motorcycle, multiple bicycles, and a tricycle, resulting in 2 deaths and 3 injuries.
The cause of the accident has attracted public attention. The Chaozhou police have selected the Judicial Appraisal Science Research Institute as the third-party appraisal institution for the accident. The accident appraisal report was submitted to the police around February this year, but it was not publicly disclosed.
A two page EDR (Automotive Event Data Recording System) report previously exposed on the internet showed that at the time of the accident, the driver was wearing a seat belt, the airbags were not ejected, and the ABS anti lock system was not activated. The vehicle speed was 164km/h 5 seconds before the impact, followed by a 25 degree change in steering wheel angle. Stability Control displayed that the vehicle stability system was involved, and the vehicle speed slightly decreased to 159km/h. Subsequently, after the steering wheel stabilized, the vehicle speed slightly increased, and when the vehicle collided, the speed was 163km/h. 5 seconds before the impact, the car's electric switch remained at 100% and the brake pedal remained in the Off state.
Due to the incomplete report, it is not possible to determine whether it is due to the driver or the vehicle issue.
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