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The new car MEGA has been maliciously photographed. Li Xiang's social circle just spoke out: there is organized illegal and criminal behavior

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Recently, Ideal Automobile released its new product, Ideal MEGA, which has sparked some discussions about its appearance. Regarding this, Li Xiang, CEO of Ideal Automobile, posted on his social media on the 11th that we are currently using legal means to deal with the organized illegal and criminal activities involved in the incident; After careful consideration, we have decided to start counterattacking with light against darkness.
Li Xiang: "We have decided to start a counterattack."
On the 11th, Li Xiang, CEO of Ideal Automobile, posted on his social media that everyone should have a clear understanding of what has happened in the past ten days. Numerous users and friends worry about us, speak up for us, and continue to help and support us no matter how difficult it may be. I am deeply grateful, this is also the core driving force for our growth.
Li Xiang stated that we are already using legal means to deal with the organized illegal and criminal activities that occurred in the incident.
In addition, Li Xiang also stated, "Although I am in darkness, I still choose light. If I choose to compromise with darkness, or even join darkness, then I and the people around me will become the ones we dislike, and the society we live in will become increasingly dark. After careful consideration, we have decided to start counterattacking with light.". I hope more people can work together to create and convey beautiful designs, unique creativity, and happy moments, so that more beautiful images can appear in our lives
The new car MEGA was maliciously photographed by netizens
On March 1st, Ideal Automobile released its first pure electric MPV-MEGA, featuring spacious interior and high range, priced at 559800 yuan. Starting from March 11th, the vehicle will be delivered on an 800V high-voltage platform, equipped with the Kirin 5C battery pack jointly developed with CATL. The battery capacity is 102.7 kilowatt hours, and the range under CLTC conditions is 710 kilometers. In terms of energy replenishment, Ideal MEGA can achieve a charging speed of 12 minutes and a range of 500 kilometers.
Li Xiang, CEO of Ideal Automobile, stated that MEGA will be Ideal Automobile's next explosive product and is confident in becoming the best-selling product for passenger cars priced over 500000 yuan. According to a report by First Financial on March 5th, reporters visited stores and learned that the order situation for MEGA in the first few days of its listing was relatively average, and there was no abnormal high demand.
However, after MEGA was launched into the market, it fell into a whirlpool of public opinion due to its appearance.
Recently, a car blogger exposed a complaint notification letter from Ideal Automobile to a certain platform on the internet. The notice letter points out that on March 2, 2024, users such as "Mature Cat" on Today's Headlines platform maliciously posted pictures of Ideal Automobile's new MEGA model, posting words such as "Dien" and "New Energy Funeral Parlor Car" on the body, seriously infringing on Ideal Automobile's product image and brand reputation, and infringing on Ideal Automobile's reputation rights. In terms of ideals, it is required that the relevant content on Today's Headlines platform be deleted or processed.
According to a report by First Financial on March 5th, Ideal Automobile stated that the extensive posting, forwarding, and commenting of images, videos, and comments containing the above-mentioned insulting information on online platforms has clearly violated Article 1024 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China and infringed on the company's reputation rights. The company has requested the deletion of infringing information from various online platforms through sending infringement notices, lawyer letters, and other forms. Ideal Automobile reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility for the infringement of malicious manufacturing and dissemination of the aforementioned information.
According to Red Star News, Zhao Liangshan, a senior partner and well-known public welfare lawyer at Shaanxi Hengda Law Firm, believes that the reputation right of a corporate entity is related to its reputation and is an important intangible asset that has a significant impact on production, operation, and economic benefits. "As for this incident, the perpetrator made a parody of the brand's product promotional images and used insulting or guiding images to mislead the public into thinking that the Ideal MEGA was a funeral vehicle, reducing the brand's social influence and commercial value."
"The perpetrator's action infringes on the reputation right of Ideal Automobile." Zhao Liangshan pointed out that the Civil Code stipulates that civil subjects enjoy the right to reputation. No organization or individual shall infringe upon the reputation rights of others through insults, defamation, or other means. The reputation rights refer to the social evaluation of the character, reputation, talent, credit, etc. of civil subjects.
Due to the lower than expected performance of the MEGA market, Ideal Automobile has also emerged from a "diving" market. In the two trading days following the press conference, the Hong Kong stock market of Ideal Automobile fell by 10.71% (March 4th) and 5% (March 5th), with its market value evaporating over HKD 50 billion within two days.
As of March 11th, the Hong Kong stock of Ideal Automobile has fallen slightly by 2.3%, with a market value of HKD 300.1 billion.
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