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Trump's "important opponent" announces his withdrawal from the election! Simultaneously announcing support for Trump's candidacy for US President

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On January 21st local time, according to CNN, Florida Governor De Santis announced his withdrawal from the 2024 US presidential election and announced his support for Trump's candidacy.
De Santis CCTV News

It is reported that De Santis is one of Trump's main competitors within the Republican Party, ranking second in the previous Iowa Republican presidential primary with 21.2% support. According to a latest public opinion survey, De Santis has a support rating of only 6% in the upcoming Republican presidential primary in New Hampshire on the 23rd.
De Santis announces his withdrawal from the presidential election
Will support Trump's candidacy
According to Xinhua News Agency, Florida Governor Ron de Santis announced on the 21st that he will withdraw from the presidential election and support former President Trump's candidacy.
De Santis said in a speech on social media that there is currently "no clear path to victory", and most Republican primary voters "hope to give Trump another chance.".
On the 15th, De Santis received about 21% of the vote in the first Republican primary in Iowa, trailing Trump by about 30 percentage points. Ranked third, former US Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, followed by De Santis by about 2 percentage points.
A poll released by CNN earlier on the 21st showed that Trump is expected to have a 50% approval rating in the second Republican primary in New Hampshire on the 23rd, followed by Haley with a 39% approval rating, and De Santis with a far behind 6% approval rating.
After De Santis withdrew, Haley became the only candidate within the Republican Party who could pose a challenge to Trump. Previously, Indian entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, who ranked fourth in the Iowa primary, and former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson, who ranked sixth, have announced their withdrawal from the race.
The primary election is the first stage of the US presidential election, during which Democratic and Republican candidates compete for their respective party's presidential nomination. After the primary election, both parties will hold national congresses to formally nominate presidential and vice presidential candidates. The voting day for this year's US election is November 5th.
Heili became the only competitor within Trump's party
Behind it, the gold owner began to hesitate
As Trump achieved his first victory in Iowa with a devastating momentum, the financiers who paid to support his competitors are becoming increasingly hesitant - they seem to be throwing their money into a game with almost no chance of winning.
Ken Langone, co-founder of Home Depot, a US listed company and home improvement chain, said that as one of the financiers behind Blackie, he now needs to see her perform strongly in next week's New Hampshire primary, otherwise he may not provide further financial support.
Langney said he is prepared to give Haley a "very beautiful sum of money", but will have to wait until the results of the primary election on the 23rd to decide whether to give this big gift. He said, "If Haley doesn't get support in New Hampshire, he won't continue to throw money into the 'Mouse Hole'."
Faced with this layer of pressure, Holly has also intensified her offensive against Trump in recent days. She is packaging Trump and Biden as "elderly" and "scandalous pro establishment" figures, trying to persuade voters that these two should no longer participate in the presidential election.
A previous poll showed that about one-third of Americans do not want Biden and Trump to run for the presidency again in the 2024 election because they are "too old".
From the current situation, Haley may be more outstanding in the coming month. Statistics show that since January 15th, campaign advertising related to Haley has reached $7.3 million, while De Santis, who voluntarily gave up New Hampshire during the same period, spent less than $1 million.
The difference in investment is also related to the stark difference in their election preferences. Based on dozens of poll results, Trump leads with 44.6% of the vote in next week's New Hampshire primary, but the chasing after Haley is also expected to receive 35% of the vote, while De Santis only has an indescribable 5%.
In addition, polls from the South Carolina primary show that among the three candidates, Trump leads with over 50% of the vote, former Governor Haley has a vote of around 25%, while De Santis only has 12%.
Some argue that De Santis's withdrawal may not necessarily be a good thing for Trump, as it may lead Republican opponents of Trump to concentrate their support for Haley, posing a greater threat to him.
Accused of 91 charges in 4 criminal cases
Trump Faces "Nightmare Journey"
On January 17th local time, the court jury heard testimony from both parties in the case of American columnist E.Jean Carroll suing Trump for defamation.
On that day, before heading to the federal court in Manhattan, New York, Trump made a signature gesture to the media before appearing in court. And multiple American media outlets have noticed the rash on Trump's hands. There are various opinions in the American media regarding this.
In the view of Dr. Chaikner, the director of dermatology at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, it is not ruled out that Trump's schedule was too full, which led to a decrease in his immune system under significant pressure, resulting in skin problems.
According to Susie Wells, Trump's senior campaign advisor, the current Republican primaries and Trump's appearance date are like a "schedule nightmare".
Last May, a New York court ruled that Trump was convicted of sexually assaulting American writer Carol in the mid-1990s, and sentenced Trump to civil compensation of $5 million for Carol. Since then, Trump has consistently denied the fairness of the verdict, while Carol has made further claims against Trump for his personal attacks on him on social media. According to The Guardian, this is the first courtroom confrontation between Carol and Trump. And Carol's testimony caused Trump to lose control in court.
Associated Press legal reporter Offenhaci: During the testimony process, Trump repeatedly muttered in a low voice, saying it was a political persecution, and he shook his head multiple times. Once again, he slammed the table fiercely.
The Guardian pointed out that the Carroll case is a civil lawsuit rather than a criminal case, and Trump only needs to compensate for it. In contrast, the multiple criminal cases faced by Trump are affecting the 2024 election in unprecedented ways.
Currently, Trump is charged with 91 charges in four criminal cases.
More interestingly, Trump's first criminal trial was scheduled by Democratic judges on March 4th, the day before Super Tuesday. On that day, multiple states in the United States will vote in primary elections simultaneously, making it considered the most important day on the US primary agenda.
Former US President and Republican presidential candidate Trump: The US President must have the right to pardon, and on the other hand, I have not done anything wrong, we have not done anything wrong.
Many American legal professionals predict that due to the majority of cases being led by judges in Democratic jurisdictions, Trump may at least be found guilty in a criminal case. The presidential pardon undoubtedly became Trump's lifeline.
On January 9th, Trump appeared in a federal court in Washington D.C., where the court heard a debate between the two sides on whether he had the right to pardon in the 2020 federal election interference case.
Trump lawyer Thors: If the President has to be cautious every time he or she deals with a tricky issue, fearing that he or she will be imprisoned if he or she leaves office and political opponents come to power, this will inevitably weaken the President's ability.
Prosecutor Pierce: What would the world we live in become if it were as the other colleague said? The President can order the Navy SEALs to assassinate political opponents and resign before impeachment is initiated, and this is not considered a crime; The president sold a pardon and then resigned without being impeached, which is not considered a crime. I think this future will be extremely frightening.
In the view of Politician News Network, the US judicial system also plays an extremely important role in the 2024 election. Currently, out of the 9 justices in the Supreme Court, conservatives hold 6 positions. Some comments suggest that the impact of this ruling on the president's pardon power will far exceed the ruling itself.
In the view of NBC, while the "nightmare schedule" cast a shadow over Trump's campaign, one lawsuit after another became a "catalyst" for his campaign. Since the first legal battle, Trump's leading advantage has become increasingly evident.
Reporter: If Trump is found guilty, do you think he is still suitable to be president? Now he faces 91 criminal charges.
American voter: I think he is suitable, these charges are all fabricated.
Reporter: Why do you think so
American voters: Why are they suing him? These are all designs by Biden to frame him.
Former US President and Republican presidential candidate Trump: They Democrats are waiting, they see me announcing my candidacy, keep waiting. They filed a lawsuit when they saw my high popularity. These people are very dishonest, which is called interfering in elections.
Biden's approval rating hit a new low
His son will testify in court
Meanwhile, despite Trump's lawsuit, his opponent Biden still failed to gain an advantage. According to a poll released by ABC this week, Biden's approval rating dropped to 33%, the lowest presidential approval rating in the same period in nearly 15 years. And the respondents only recognized Biden's handling of the economy at 31%.
Faced with poor poll numbers, Biden seems increasingly frustrated. According to The Washington Post, at a meeting, Biden used "harsh language" to question his aides why his poll numbers were so "unacceptably low".
Last December, the New York Times, in collaboration with Siena College, released a poll showing Trump leading Biden by six percentage points among young voters aged 18 to 29. Young voters have long been a constituency of the Democratic Party. In 2020, Trump was far behind Biden by 24 percentage points among young people.
An analysis suggests that one of the main reasons for this change is people's disappointment with Biden's handling of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. "Politicians" News Network bluntly stated that the United States' Middle East strategy is currently in a dilemma and a dilemma.
Reuters reported that Arab Americans and Muslims in the United States have criticized Biden's response to the Israeli Palestinian conflict, demanding that he take more measures to prevent a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, otherwise they threatened not to support Biden in the 2024 elections. The estrangement of Arab Americans towards Biden will undoubtedly lead to potential dissatisfaction among other groups of people of color towards Biden. Because they realize that once a group conflicts with the interests of American financial capitalists, their interests may be betrayed at any time.
In addition, Biden also faces impeachment investigations. According to the Associated Press, on January 18th local time, Hunter Biden, son of US President Biden, agreed to attend a hearing in the House of Representatives regarding the impeachment investigation against President Biden. In addition, the House Oversight and Accountability Committee announced on the same day that both parties in Congress had reached an agreement regarding Hunter Biden's testimony in court on February 28th.
Recently, a poll by the Center for Public Affairs in the United States showed that 87% of Democrats believe that if Trump is elected as the President of the United States in 2024, democracy in the United States will be weakened; Meanwhile, 82% of Republicans share the same view on Biden's victory in the election. In this regard, Harvard University professor Ziblatt pointed out that when either side starts calling the other a threat to democracy, regardless of the actual situation, it is a sign that American democracy is "disintegrating".
In fact, this destined chaotic US election is equally crucial for the world. The United States Foreign Policy points out that other countries must be prepared to face an unpredictable but globally ambitious United States.
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