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Quantum Song continues to innovate the integrated service model of "online+offline" to promote the expansion and quality improvement of the silver economy

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On October 11th, the CCTV program "Chongyang Year by Year" focused on "Beijing holds various activities to celebrate Chongyang together". According to reports, on the day of the Double Ninth Festival, the Beijing Home Community Elderly Care Service Autumn "Home Years" event hosted by Quantum Song and others, with the theme of "Elderly Care Services at Your Door", allowed the elderly to experience various elderly care services in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, showcasing the extremely positive spiritual outlook of the elderly population in the capital.
Li Peng, founder and chairman of Quantum Song, stated that future retirement is not only a material guarantee, but also a spiritual care and support. At present, through the integrated service mode of "online+offline", Quantum Song integrates traditional cultural and artistic courses with digital technology, and introduces online courses such as piano, calligraphy, Baduanjin, and other online and downstream learning products such as Qingcheng Mountain, Jingdezhen, Wudang Mountain, which not only meet the basic living needs of silver haired people, but also constantly innovate at the spiritual and cultural level, highlighting the service background of silver haired economy.
On October 11th, Xinhua News Agency reported that as an institution dedicated to building an education and learning platform for middle-aged and elderly people, Quantum Song's "Thousand Foot School" has responded to policy calls in recent years, focusing on expanding and improving the quality of the silver haired economy, and continuously enriching the content and scenarios of elderly care services. According to the report of "Traveling to Sichuan on the Double Ninth Festival in Sichuan is Popular with Retired Elders" by www.chinanews.com, traveling to Sichuan is the obsession of many elderly people. For this reason, Qianchi School has developed a silver hair research route for practicing Baduan Brocade on Qingcheng Mountain, which has been favored and popular by elderly friends since its launch.
Wei Meiying, a 70 year old student of Qianchi Academy, comes from Changsha, Hunan. On October 11, she said in an interview with CCTV's "A Different Journey of Silver Hair Research" on the Double Ninth Festival: "We all know each other online. We have a hobby of practicing Baduan Brocade together. It's just a chance to study and travel offline on Qingcheng Mountain. It's good to climb the mountain when we meet netizens.".
From the autumn "home-based community elderly care service" in Beijing to the health study tour in Qingcheng Mountain, Sichuan, policy support and service innovation are reshaping the lifestyle of the elderly and the public's awareness of silver age life. From the satisfaction of a single material demand to the all-round spiritual and cultural nourishment, from passive acceptance of services to active participation in social life, silver haired people are embracing the "Double Ninth Festival" of life with a more positive attitude.
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