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Annual production capacity of 10000 units, the world's first intelligent manufacturing base for flying cars has started construction in Guangzhou!

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The 'Made in Guangzhou' flying car will take off from Huangpu! On October 27th, Xiaopeng Huitian Flying Car Intelligent Manufacturing Base officially started construction. This is the world's first flying car factory to use modern assembly lines for large-scale production. It will be used to produce the flying body part of the split flying car "land carrier", with a planned annual production capacity of 10000 units.
It is reported that Xiaopeng Huitian Flying Automotive Intelligent Manufacturing Base is located in Guangzhou Development Zone, and the overall project is constructed by China Construction Fourth Engineering Bureau. The first phase covers an area of about 180000 square meters, and the planned layout includes four major production workshops for composite materials, connections, painting, and final assembly, as well as ancillary facilities. The base fully integrates the high-quality requirements of aviation and the characteristics and experience of large-scale manufacturing of automobiles. Compared with traditional aviation manufacturing, it can achieve better quality consistency, lower costs, and faster delivery cycles, accelerating the complementary development of the new energy vehicle industry and the low altitude economy industry.
At the groundbreaking ceremony, Zhao Deli, founder of Xiaopeng Huitian, introduced that the base follows the concept of "exquisite, intelligent, and green" and aims to create a global benchmark intelligent manufacturing base for flying cars. It is understood that Xiaopeng Huitian not only adheres to the full stack self-developed core technology of its products, but also produces its core components in the intelligent manufacturing base to better ensure quality standards and controllable costs, and create value for users. By combining factory buildings and centralized warehousing to achieve a compact layout, waste in logistics storage and transportation can be effectively reduced, greatly improving production efficiency. Adopting a full process, full cycle, and traceable production management model, while meeting aircraft quality and safety standards, the factory establishes a precise production and manufacturing traceability system from the parts supply chain end to the final delivery end of the vehicle, allowing each part to have its own "ID card". At the same time, the entire factory plans to adopt photovoltaic power generation, fully equipped with energy-saving equipment for high energy consuming facilities, and adopt a digital energy management system to monitor the factory's energy consumption and utilization efficiency in real time, significantly reducing carbon emissions.
The landing of the world's first mass-produced intelligent manufacturing base for flying cars is not only an important milestone for the development of Xiaopeng Huitian Company, but also marks a solid step for Guangzhou Development Zone in the field of low altitude economy industry. "Shao Jingbo, Deputy Director of Guangzhou Development Zone Management Committee, said," We look forward to working together with Xiaopeng Huitian to promote the development of the flying car industry, move towards a "new" starting point, and become stronger in the air, contributing to the country's new economic growth
Recently, Xiaopeng Huitian completed the first manned test flight of the "Land Aircraft Carrier" spacecraft. The global public maiden flight of the "Land Aircraft Carrier" will be held at the China Air Show on November 12th, and pre-sales will be launched at the end of this year.
Text and pictures/Guangzhou Daily Xinhua City Reporter: Deng Li Correspondent: Liu Hongyu
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