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Boeing, sudden!

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It's another Boeing aircraft.
According to Xinhua News Agency, on the 19th local time, a Boeing 767 aircraft leased by Delta Air Lines in the United States came to an emergency stop due to a technical malfunction during takeoff from the airport in Dakar, the capital of Senegal. Fortunately, the incident did not cause any casualties.
Just one day before the incident, the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States announced a new three-month safety review of Boeing as part of its active supervision of the company. The new round of review will investigate issues such as the quality of risk assessment, resource allocation, and compliance with regulatory requirements.
In addition, there have been new developments in the strike of Boeing workers. It is reported that Boeing has proposed a 35% salary increase within four years to end the strike, and the agreement still needs to be approved by a vote before it can take effect. The vote is scheduled for October 23rd local time.
Apply sudden brakes during takeoff! It's Boeing again
According to Xinhua News Agency, the Senegalese air transport department announced on the 19th that a Boeing 767 aircraft leased by Delta Air Lines in the United States came to an emergency stop due to a technical malfunction during takeoff from the airport in Dakar, the capital of Senegal. Fortunately, the incident did not cause any casualties.
According to Reuters, the incident occurred at Blaise Diagne International Airport in Dakar. The involved plane was carrying 216 passengers and was preparing to fly from Dakar to New York, USA. The Serbian aviation transportation department stated that the incident occurred at around 11:30 am local time on the 19th. The involved aircraft experienced a "technical incident" during takeoff and came to an emergency stop. The pilot successfully controlled the aircraft to a safe stop, and no passengers were injured. The flight has been postponed.
The National Civil Aviation Authority of Senegal will launch an investigation into this incident.
Just one day before this incident, the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States announced a new three-month safety review of Boeing.
According to the Associated Press, the Federal Aviation Administration stated that the review will examine key areas of Boeing's safety processes to ensure "timely and accurate provision of safety related information for use by the Federal Aviation Administration. According to a spokesperson for the agency, this review was not triggered by any specific event or concern, but is part of the Federal Aviation Administration's regulatory responsibility for the "safety culture" of this large aircraft manufacturer.
Since the "Gatekeeper Air Detachment" incident in January, Boeing has successively exposed a series of quality and safety scandals, triggering the Federal Aviation Administration to launch an investigation into Boeing.
Boeing and its union reach preliminary agreement on labor relations
On October 19th local time, the International Federation of Mechanical and Aerospace Workers (IAM) announced to its 33000 striking members that it had reached a preliminary agreement with aircraft manufacturer Boeing. IAM stated that the agreement includes provisions for Boeing to increase wages by 35% during the four-year term of the contract.
It is reported that the agreement still needs approval from the majority of IAM members before it can take effect, and workers will return to work. The vote is scheduled for October 23rd local time.
On September 12th local time, approximately 33000 workers at Boeing's assembly plants in Seattle and Portland voted to go on strike to express dissatisfaction with the latest labor agreement reached between Boeing and its largest union, the International Federation of Mechanical and Aerospace Workers. The strike officially began at 00:00 Pacific Time on September 13th and has lasted for five weeks so far.
Source: CCTV News, Xinhua News Agency
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