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Cybercab's popularity is no longer high, and domestic brands continue to "besiege" Tesla, striving to sprint for the fourth quarter

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As the popularity of Tesla Cybercab based on the future gradually fades, the industry begins to refocus on the domestic market, especially the reality that Tesla is being "besieged" by numerous domestic brand new cars.
According to incomplete statistics from Caixin News Agency reporters, there have been 8 new cars released and launched in the past month that are positioned or priced against Tesla, including the Lantu Zhiyin, Zhijie R7, Avita 07, Jike 7X, Ledao L60, the all-new Zhiji LS6, Smart Elf # 5, and the Xiaopeng P7+, which directly targets the Model 3. These new cars not only see Tesla as a direct competitor, but also carry the responsibility of the brand's "sprint" to the fourth quarter and reversing the situation.
On October 15th, multiple Chinese brands gathered at the 2024 Paris Motor Show, with Xiaopeng Motors receiving much attention. We have released the pre-sale status of Xiaopeng P7+in China - we received 30000 small orders within 1 hour and 48 minutes. Based on the situation of MONA M03, the conversion rate from small orders to lock orders will be very high. "After the press conference, Xiaopeng Motors Chairman He Xiaopeng immediately released the first report card of Xiaopeng P7+.
Four years ago, the appearance of the Xiaopeng P7 propelled Xiaopeng Motors to the forefront of new forces, and the label of "fully benchmarking Tesla Model 3" deeply penetrated people's hearts. Entering 2024, Xiaopeng Motors experienced a sustained downturn, with monthly sales even falling below 10000 units during the low point. With the arrival of M03, Xiaopeng Motors has finally experienced a rebound. Since the launch of Xiaopeng MONA M03, Xiaopeng will enter a strong product cycle and a favorable period of rapid development. Xiaopeng Motors is confident that its delivery volume will increase significantly month on month in the third and fourth quarters of this year, and reach a new high in delivery volume in the fourth quarter. In He Xiaopeng's view, MONA M03 and Xiaopeng P7+will be the biggest confidence to reverse this year's situation.
Two days before the Paris Motor Show, the LanTu Zhiyin pure electric SUV was launched, which is also of great significance to the LanTu brand. After completing the "delivery of over 10000 units in a single month after an eight month hiatus" in September, LanTu hopes that Zhiyin can become the main sales model together with the new Dreamer and achieve the goal of surpassing Tesla in single product sales. From the perspective of product strength, we are indeed doing better than Model Y. Other products in China are doing better than Model Y. Model Y has a brand advantage, which needs to be acknowledged. Therefore, we need to build the advantage of Chinese brands with better products and services. Lantu Zhiyin and Model Y are at the same price level, and we hope to bring some new experiences to Chinese pure electric car users in this price range Lantu Automotive CEO Lu Fang said.
From the previous market performance, it can be seen that a series of new cars that benchmark against Tesla are being accepted by the market - Lantu Zhiyin's orders exceeded 8000 units within 24 hours of its launch, Jike 7X delivered over 10000 units within 25 days, and Zhijie R7's orders exceeded 20000 units within 14 days of its launch
In terms of product deployment, with the implementation of the "multi line" strategy by independent car companies on the new energy route, the market base continues to expand. In September, 21 manufacturers' monthly wholesale sales of new energy vehicles exceeded 10000 units (an increase of 4 compared to the previous year and 2 compared to the previous month), accounting for 92.8% of the total number of new energy passenger vehicles (90.8% last month and 88.5% in the same period last year). "In the view of Cui Dongshu, Secretary General of the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, the market advantage of leading new energy enterprises has continued to expand recently, and the market differentiation under different rights of oil and electricity has intensified, with the penetration rate of new energy continuously increasing.
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