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JD Finance Q1 Investment and Wealth Management Data: Pension Fund Asset Size Doubles

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Recently, JD Finance teamed up with over 50 fund companies to hold a Q2 wealth management strategy meeting. Simultaneously disclose JD Financial Wealth Management data.
At the second quarter strategy meeting of wealth management, JD Finance shared the macroeconomic development trends and investment strategies of popular funds such as major asset allocation directions and CSI A50 ETF linked funds in the second quarter. In terms of asset allocation in major categories, JD Finance believes that the bull market for interest rate bonds in the second quarter may continue, equity allocation can consider an 8:2 ratio between dividends and the track, and the gold bull market is currently likely to be in the mid to early stage, but attention should be paid to short-term pullback risks. It is understood that in the recent hot fundraising of the CSI A50 ETF linked fund, the sales scale of JD Financial Platform has reached a new high, and high net worth customers with subscription amounts exceeding 1 million have shown significant growth compared to the past.
In terms of fixed income products, the head of investment research at JD Financial Wealth Management believes that the bull market in interest rate bonds in the second quarter may continue; However, the overall credit bond market remains cautious and optimistic. The second quarter is the off-season for credit bond issuance, with tight supply and demand, and institutional allocation will continue to push the yield down; It is expected that there will be a phased adjustment in the bond market from late April to early May. Short term bonds have relatively high safety, and medium to long term bonds can participate again in the profit adjustment. It is expected that the bond market will fluctuate and decline in mid to late May, with medium to long term bonds showing better offensive performance than short term bonds.
Among equity products, in the recent fundraising concentration of 10 CSI A50 ETF linked funds, the sales scale of JD Financial Platform has reached a new high, with an average subscription amount of over 19000 yuan per household.
Since March, the price of gold has repeatedly hit new highs, and although it has encountered occasional declines, the overall operation is still at a high level. In the view of the head of investment and research at JD Financial Wealth Management, although gold prices remain high, as long as the four major changes in global order, economy, politics, and military continue to ferment, gold may have a new logic. Gold is still an asset that needs to be valued in the next 10 to 20 years, and there may be trading fluctuations of 1 to 2 years. However, before the turning point of the four major changes, the strategic level trend is bullish, but attention should be paid to short-term pullback risks. In the long cycle, compared to the second gold bull market in history, it is highly likely to be in the middle and early stages of the gold bull market.
In addition, according to data from JD Financial Wealth Management, in the first quarter of 2024, the awareness of elderly care among wealth users on the JD Financial platform rose, and the asset size of pension funds doubled; The mentality is becoming more stable, and the stable fund has risen by 18%; Equity funds have slightly decreased by 5% due to market conditions; Investors are gradually accepting scientific investment concepts, and investment advisory assets have risen by 19%. In addition, under the influence of the Spring Festival in the first quarter, investors used red envelopes and year-end bonuses to "make money". The highest trading days appeared at the end of February after the Spring Festival of the the Year of the Loong.
Meanwhile, data from JD Financial shows that middle-aged people are more courageous than young people. On the platform, investors aged 26 to 45 account for 73%, both the economic pillar and the main force of investment. However, relatively speaking, young people are more conservative. Among the holdings of people aged 21 to 30, the equity proportion is the lowest, less than 20%; Equity funds account for 43% of the population aged 46 to 55, the highest proportion among all age groups.
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