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Technology Apple failed to dismiss a lawsuit in the UK regarding app store fees; Samsung Electronics announces $44 billion US chip investment plan as early as next week

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Samsung Electronics announces $44 billion US chip investment plan as early as next week
On April 12th local time, according to Bloomberg, Samsung Electronics will announce a plan to invest $44 billion in US chip manufacturing as soon as next week.
The report shows that the company has received over $6 billion in funding from the US government, with a significant increase in investment spending, and the total amount has reached $44 billion over the years. Insiders say that the time and details stated in the announcement may still change until it is finally determined.
Apple plans to use artificial intelligence's M4 chip to transform the entire Mac series
On April 11th local time, multiple media outlets reported that Apple is preparing to completely revamp its entire Mac product line in order to boost its sluggish computer business. The new Mac will be equipped with an M4 chip with artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities.
Apple plans to release Macs equipped with M4 chips by the end of this year and early next year, including the new iMac, low-end 14 inch MacBook Pro, high-end 14 inch and 16 inch MacBook Pro, and Mac mini.
After this news was announced, Apple's stock price experienced a rare recent surge on the same day, with a significant increase of 4.3%, marking the largest increase in 11 months.
Apple failed to dismiss a lawsuit in the UK regarding app store fees
On April 12th local time, Apple's attempt to reject a lawsuit worth nearly $1 billion was rejected. The judge ruled that Apple must face charges. Regulators believe that Apple charges unfair commissions to over 1500 UK developers when purchasing applications and other content.
Currently, Apple is facing significant regulatory pressure in the United States and Europe due to charging third-party developers for distributing applications through the App Store. Apple claims that 85% of developers on its App Store do not need to pay any commission.
In addition, Apple is also facing another case of suspected defects in iPhone batteries, involving approximately 24 million iPhone users, which was filed last year.
Amazon CEO releases annual shareholder letter: vigorously investing in AWS and generative AI
Amazon CEO Andy Jesse has released Amazon's 2023 shareholder letter, which summarizes Amazon's overall performance and the development of various businesses in 2023.
In the AWS business, Amazon has released the general-purpose CPU chip Graviton 4 and the AI chip AWS Training 2. In terms of generative AI, Amazon has added dozens of features to Amazon SageMaker to make it easier for developers to build new foundational models.
OpenAI promotes the enterprise version of ChatGPT to large enterprises
On April 12th local time, according to Reuters, OpenAI CEO Ultraman hosted hundreds of executives from Fortune 500 companies in San Francisco, New York, and London this month. OpenAI promises that ChatGPT Enterprise customer data will not be used to train their models.
Some executives in the audience of the event asked why they would still pay for ChatGPT Enterprise if they were already customers of Microsoft.
Ultraman and the Chief Operating Officer of OpenAI responded that paying enterprise service fees allows them to work directly with the OpenAI team, obtain the latest models, and have more opportunities to obtain customized AI products.
Alipay Discloses Latest Achievements of Commercialization
On April 11, Alipay disclosed the latest achievements of commercialization to the outside world. Alipay said that in the past year, the number of active advertisers on the platform has quadrupled, and the number of live broadcast rooms has increased 14 times.
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