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Upgrade more than 10 security and intelligent security capabilities, are you hungry? Hummingbird is ready to be equipped to accelerate the construction of a digital security base

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On March 29th, the third ecological security conference of Ele.me Hummingbird was held. Adhering to the concept of "platform empowering ecology, ecological protection knights, and knights practicing safety", Hummingbird is partnering with logistics ecological partners to create a digital security base and jointly build a security ecosystem around standardization and digitization.
It is reported that in the past year, under the guidance and support of the competent department, more than 8 million people have received safety training for Ele.me Blue Knight, with over 6700 professional safety personnel trained. Offline safety activities cover hundreds of cities, effectively curbing the occurrence of various accidents.
"Guarding the safety of the knight community is the responsibility of instant delivery for the entire ecosystem." At the meeting, Zhang Yudong, Senior Vice President of Ele.me, stated that relying on digital and standardized tools, the platform will work together with ecological logistics providers to build a safe ecosystem through "online+offline" professional knowledge training, personnel capability certification, and the establishment and gradual iteration of digital products.
Hu Jun, the head of the supervision and management department of Ele.me Hummingbird, introduced that with the construction of digital security bases, Ele.me has upgraded and launched more than 10 digital intelligence support capabilities. At present, the digital security training center can facilitate Blue Knight's one click access to security, emergency skills, and knowledge training; The one-stop security guard platform is more convenient for accident handling, knight insurance, and other multidimensional security content access; The logistics station has also achieved real-time monitoring of daily safety emergencies and intelligent fire warning.
At the event, multiple ecological businesses and outstanding safety officers were awarded safety awards. According to Dias Logistics, safety hazards are effectively identified and reduced through layered management methods such as daily training, tail end assistance, special management, and online and offline inspections.
Among them, for some older riders aged 55 and above, Dias also arranges special physical examinations and establishes health records for riders to adjust their work content for those in need, effectively avoiding the risk of running single.
At the meeting that day, Ele.me also upgraded the knight's "safety score". "Safe score" improves delivery risks and ensures delivery safety through knight compliance management and fair incentives. At the same time, high scoring riders will also have better rights.
The Blue Knight has also become a new force in building a safe community together. The platform and logistics ecosystem regularly conduct safety training to enable Blue Knight to effectively improve its safety score while mastering knowledge and skills in transportation, fire protection, food safety, emergency response, and other areas. Over the past year, over 8 million Blue Knights have completed various safety training and education, and the safety protection ecosystem has begun to take effect.
Taking Zhao Mingyang, a member of the Communist Party of China born in the 1990s in Chengdu, as an example, he bravely went against the tide in the face of a sudden fire and fought it out in a timely manner, buying enough time for the firefighting and rescue forces. Usually, he actively participates in community public welfare and public welfare propaganda as a volunteer safety propagandist, and was honored with the first "Most Beautiful Takeout deliveryman" award in 2023.
The members of the All China Federation of Trade Unions stationed in Ele.me, who attended the meeting, stated that Ele.me has increased investment, developed digital technology and security products, helped riders strengthen safety prevention, and improved their self-protection capabilities. These practices are worthy of recognition and promotion. The trade union will also continue to support industry innovation practices, build a comprehensive safety management network for all employees, the entire process, and all aspects, and jointly build a safer, more efficient, and green instant delivery service system.
"Next, we will continue to work together with logistics ecological partners to further strengthen the construction of security systems, accelerate the improvement of digital intelligence capabilities, and jointly safeguard the safety of every Blue Knight," said Zhang Yudong.
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