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Internal sources confirm personnel adjustments: Wu Zeming, Chairman of Ele.me, Liu Zhenfei, Chairman of Gaode

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On March 1st, it was reported that Alibaba Group CEO Wu Yongming issued an internal letter to all employees of Local Life Group (Gaode, Ele.me), announcing that Yu Yongfu, Chairman and CEO of Local Life Group, will step down from his management position at the end of Alibaba's fiscal year on March 31st. Next, he will explore more internationalization through investment based on eWTP funds, while providing more strategic support for the business.
The two major businesses of the local lifestyle group, Ele.me and Gaode, will respectively set up a chairman and CEO. The chairman of Ele.me was succeeded by Wu Zeming (flower name: Fan Yu), the CTO of the local lifestyle group, and the CEO was taken over by Han Liu (flower name: Haochen), the person in charge of Hummingbird delivery; Chairman of Gaode was succeeded by President Liu Zhenfei, and COO Guo Ning was appointed as CEO of Gaode. The journalist from Chao News confirmed this and relevant insiders confirmed the information.
After sorting out personal public information, it was found that after this adjustment, will the younger generation of the 80s take over.
Wu Zeming, the newly appointed Chairman of Ele.me, is one of the partners of Alibaba's post-80s generation and a core member of Alibaba's e-commerce system technology architecture construction. He has successively held positions such as President of the New Retail Technology Business Group, Chief Technology Officer of Local Life Business, Chief Technology Officer of Alibaba Group, and Vice President of Alibaba Damo Institute. Before this new appointment, Wu Zeming was the CTO of Alibaba Group, as well as the CTO of Taotian Group and the CTO of Local Life Group. Internally, he was evaluated as a "technical executive who has grown up in frontline technical positions.".
Han Liu, the newly appointed CEO of Ele.me, was born in 1988 and is one of the CEOs of Alibaba's post-85 generation. After joining Alibaba, he has served as Ele.me's Senior Vice President, Head of Real time Retail Business, and President of Hummingbird Instant Delivery. An Alibaba insider praised him as having "rich experience in both business flow and logistics in far, medium, and near field e-commerce.".
Many people are familiar with the newly appointed Chairman of Gaode, Liu Zhenfei. He joined Alibaba in May 2006 and was initially responsible for the advertising technology team and building the Alibaba Mama advertising system. Afterwards, he established the Taobao Technology Support Department and served as the head, serving as the Group's Chief Risk Officer. He has been serving as the President of Gaode since 2017, successfully leading Gaode from 40 million DAUs to a stable "super app" exceeding 100 million.
Last night (February 29th), on the eve of the release of the 8th Alibaba Public Welfare List, several Alibaba management representatives were interviewed specifically to discuss how to continuously solve problems with a service-oriented attitude towards society, including Liu Zhenfei. Liu Zhenfei once led two public welfare projects, the reunion system and the Gaode wheelchair navigation, at Alibaba. He also drove 30000 kilometers to light up maps in Beijing. In a video, he praised the efforts of his team and classmates, saying, "We have mastered digital technology, we have a digital platform, and we have done public welfare that others cannot do, which is particularly meaningful."
The newly appointed CEO of Gaode, Guo Ning, is the only senior executive of Gaode Group who has served as a responsible person in the basic platform, middle platform, and business. Before joining Gaode, he served as Senior Technical Director at 360, Technical Director at Alibaba, and Senior Technical Expert at Yahoo China. Before being promoted to CEO this time, Guo Ning served as the COO of Gaode Map from 2023, responsible for managing the app platform business and life service section. In March last year, Alibaba integrated the reputation of in store business into Gaode, and Guo Ning became the actual manager of Alibaba's local in store life business.
At Alibaba, Yu Yongfu has been in charge of multiple business groups and has served as the number one position in multiple business sectors, making important contributions to the innovation and development of a group of businesses, and is also known as the "integration master" in the industry. It is reported that Yu Yongfu is still a partner of Alibaba. Next, he will explore more internationalization through investment based on eWTP funds, while providing more strategic support for the business. In July 2021, Alibaba merged Gaode, local lifestyle business, and Feizhu into the lifestyle service sector, which will be managed by Yu Yongfu. In the second quarter of 2022, Ele.me achieved a positive change in unit economic efficiency for the first time, and has maintained this trend to this day.
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