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Xiaopeng Motors Holds 2023 1024 Technology Day, Upgrading Intelligent Driving Architecture, and Advancing in Multiple Fields of Flying Cars and Robots

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On October 24th, the "1024 Xiaopeng Automotive Technology Day" was held as scheduled. During this technology day, Xiaopeng Motors announced its latest progress in multiple fields. This includes the launch of the new pure electric MPV model Xiaopeng X9, Xiaopeng Intelligent Driving XNGP, Xiaopeng Huitian Flight Automobile, Xiaopeng New Generation Intelligent Robot, and other related information.
At the event, Xiaopeng Automobile Chairman He Xiaopeng stated that the automotive category will gradually evolve from software defined cars to AI defined cars. As a Chinese intelligent car brand, Xiaopeng Automobile has deeply applied the AI big model, empowering multiple fields such as research and development, design, intelligent driving, and intelligent voice.
It is widely believed in the industry that if the first half of automotive intelligence is achieved through simple scenarios such as high-speed navigation, assisted driving, and automatic parking, then the second half of intelligent driving is the competition for "urban intelligent driving". With the support of the previous generation of high-precision maps, Xiaopeng Automobile has achieved intelligent assisted driving in five cities: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Foshan.
In addition, the "AI proxy driving" function will become another "weapon" for Xiaopeng Intelligent Driving. Xiaopeng Automobile revealed to a reporter from Securities Daily that this feature is not restricted by cities. After activating the AI proxy driving function, users can set the starting and ending points nationwide, and manually drive once to form a memory map. According to Xiaopeng's plan, the architecture for intelligent driving in all scenarios will achieve data-driven, end-to-end, and spatiotemporal joint decision-making. At the same time, Xiaopeng also launched the ultimate intelligent auxiliary architecture for all scenarios - XBrain.
Besides cars, Xiaopeng has been exploring more possibilities for future modes of transportation. At this year's 1024 press conference, Xiaopeng Huitian clarified two development paths for flying cars, namely land air integrated flying cars and split flying cars. Among them, the land air integrated flying vehicle adopts a dual mode cockpit for land travel/flight, and has been further optimized based on the design announced in the previous two years. It adopts a supercar design, which has a more technological and aesthetic appearance; Flight systems such as rotors and arms can be fully folded and stored inside the vehicle, greatly reducing the wind resistance coefficient during land travel.
During last year's technology date, Xiaopeng demonstrated his quadruped robot. This time the robot has evolved again. In order to complete the service of making robots accessible to the public and families, Xiaopeng will explore on the quadruped next. In the past, Xiaopeng spent 5 months completing stable bipedal walking, self-developed a bipedal robot, and achieved industry-leading bipedal walking and obstacle crossing capabilities. Through self-developed high-performance joints, high stability robot walking ability has been achieved, which can complete indoor and outdoor walking and obstacle crossing for more than 2 hours.
The Xiaopeng X9 is officially referred to as the "new species" and is positioned as a pure electric intelligent seven seater MPV model, which will be officially unveiled at the Guangzhou Auto Show. It does indeed stand out in terms of design, with many sharp lines that are very avant-garde. The Xiaopeng X9 is officially referred to as the "new species" and is positioned as a pure electric intelligent seven seater MPV model, which will be officially unveiled at the Guangzhou Auto Show. It does indeed stand out in terms of design, with many sharp lines that are very avant-garde.
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