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Su Zifeng appears in Beijing, and AMD's latest generation AI PC processor is officially shipped to China

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On March 21st, at the AMD AI PC Innovation Summit held in Beijing, AMD CEO Lisa Su attended the event and delivered a speech. It has been a year since her last visit to mainland China. Last April, Su Zifeng came to mainland China and had exchanges with a group of major clients such as Lenovo.
During the speech on AI PC, Su Zifeng announced that its new AI PC processor products will officially be supplied to the Chinese market, including the Ryzen 8040 series for laptops and the Ryzen 8000G series for desktops. The Ryzen 8040 series is a new product officially released by AMD in December last year. Compared to its first generation AI PC processor, it has improved computing power performance by about 60%. Manufacturers such as Lenovo and Asus were among the first collaborators.
At the event, AMD also showcased to the public the functions of running local large-scale models on AI PCs based on its processors, such as text graphics and text.
"AI is one of the most important technologies in the past 50 years, and there is no such thing." Su Zifeng is very optimistic about AI, believing that it will overturn the traditional PC industry and firmly believe that it will trigger an unprecedented wave of device upgrades in the future. AMD has also announced its three major strategies for AI PC to the public:
Firstly, a wide variety of training and inference engine combinations. In order to add AI experience to traditional PCs, AMD has mainly developed three sets of computing engines, namely CPU based on Zen architecture, GPU based on AMD RDNA, and NPU based on AMD XDNA AI engine. Among them, the XDNA architecture adopted by AMD NPU was achieved through the acquisition of FPGA chip manufacturer Xlinx, which is a customized technology for specific scenarios and is applied by the company to improve the gaming experience of AI PCs.
Secondly, open and mature software features. AMD will focus on ecosystems, an open, validated, and developer friendly software platform that allows for all leading artificial intelligence frameworks, libraries, and models.
Thirdly, an AI ecosystem of deep collaborative innovation. AMD collaborates with world leading brands to truly innovate and push artificial intelligence solutions to the market.
The Chinese market is also an important part of its AI layout.
Su Zifeng made several commitments to the investment and construction of AMD Greater China on site, including investing in research and development centers and AI excellence centers, and collaborating with super large enterprises to develop and build an ecosystem. According to its statistics, there are currently over 4000 engineers working in multiple AMD city branches in China.
As the AI craze continues to heat up, AMD has become one of the first beneficiaries.
The company's market value has reached a new historical high, once exceeding 310 billion US dollars. Currently, the latest market value is 288.7 billion US dollars, and the MI300 series GPUs launched by Nvidia H100 are being intensively stocked in the near future. As of the end of last year, AMD's stock price had risen by over 120%.
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