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Vietnam, the second most populous country in Southeast Asia, is about to become the 16th country in the world with a population exceeding 100 million

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Population is the foundation of a country and social development, and the study of population geography, including population quantity, natural population growth, population mechanical growth, population gender ratio, population age structure, and other contents, has significant practical and developmental significance. Taking China as an example, according to statistical data at the end of 2022, the total population of China is 14117.5 billion people, making it the second most populous country in the world after India. Moreover, in 2022, China's population experienced negative growth, with a decrease of 850000 people compared to the previous year.
Vietnam's population is about to reach 100 million people
To say the least, in the event of war in any country, population is the basis for the sustainability of the war. For example, since the outbreak of the Russia-Ukraine conflict in 2022, the war has continued until now, with a large number of casualties every day. In terms of population, the current population of Russia is about 146 million people, while the population of Ukraine is about 41.13 million people, which means that the total population of Russia is over 100 million more than that of Ukraine. Although the direction of war is influenced by many factors, population size is also an important influencing factor.
Fifteen countries with a population exceeding 100 million
In terms of the population of a single country, there are a total of fifteen countries in the world with a population of over 100 million, including India, China, the United States, Indonesia, Pakistan, Nigeria, Brazil, Bangladesh, Russia, Mexico, Ethiopia, Japan, the Philippines, Egypt, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. From the regional distribution of these countries, Asia has the largest population, with seven countries including India, China, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Japan, and the Philippines having a population of over 100 million.
Maps of Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos
Africa has four countries with populations exceeding 100 million, including Nigeria, Ethiopia, Egypt, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In addition, there are countries such as the United States and Mexico in North America, Russia in Europe, and Brazil in South America. Asia is the most populous continent in the world, with seven countries with a population exceeding 100 million, and the eighth country with a population exceeding 100 million is about to emerge. It is estimated that Vietnam's population will exceed 100 million by the end of 2023, becoming the 16th country in the world with a population exceeding 100 million.
Vietnam Topographic Map
Vietnam is located in the Southeast Asian region of Asia, in the eastern part of the Indochina Peninsula. It is a coastal country with a very narrow north-south territory, covering an area of approximately 330000 square kilometers, equivalent to the sum of the three Jiangsu provinces. Vietnam is a developing country with rapid economic development in recent years. In the global industrial chain, a large proportion of industries transferred from China have landed in Vietnam. Some people say that Vietnam is China in the early stages of reform and opening up, which seems very reasonable.
Population density distribution map of Vietnam
The same is true for the population of Vietnam, which is currently enjoying the positive impact of the demographic dividend. At the end of 2022, the population of Vietnam was about 98.47 million, only 1.53 million people short of the 100 million population mark. Can the total population of Vietnam exceed 100 million by the end of 2023? We can understand the natural population growth of Vietnam. At the end of 2021, the total population of Vietnam was about 97.46 million, which means that in 2022, the new population of Vietnam was about 1.01 million. If calculated based on this growth rate, the total population of Vietnam by the end of 2023 would be about 99.5 million, just one step away from a population of 100 million, and it also means that the population of Vietnam will definitely exceed 100 million by 2024.
However, due to the current total population of Vietnam being too close to 100 million, there is a certain possibility that the total population of Vietnam will exceed 100 million by the end of this year. Due to the narrow north-south shape of Vietnam's territory, the population is mainly distributed in the Red River Delta in the north and the Mekong River Delta in the south. Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam, is located in the Red River Delta in northern Vietnam, with a total population of over 8 million, making it the second largest city in Vietnam. The largest city located in the Mekong Delta of southern Vietnam is Ho Chi Minh City, with a total population of over 12 million. It is also the most populous city in Vietnam and is known as "Paris of the East".
Ho Chi Minh City
Night Lighting Map of Ho Chi Minh City
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