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Yihang Intelligent EH216-S completes a new round of Japan's four city tour flight demonstration

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Recently, Yihang Intelligence announced that its flagship product EH216-S unmanned manned aircraft has completed flight demonstrations in four cities in Japan: Yanoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture, Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture, Kashioka City, Okayama Prefecture, and Kurashi City, Okayama Prefecture. Manned flights have been conducted in Yanoka City, Awaji City, and Kashioka City. After completing its first manned flight demonstration in Japan in February last year, Yihang Intelligence has once again expanded its flight journey in Japan, showcasing safe, automated, and environmentally friendly air traffic solutions to the world.
On March 2nd, the EH216-S unmanned manned aircraft arrived at the first stop of the Japan tour demonstration, Yanoka City, Miyazaki Prefecture, to complete a manned flight demonstration for medical emergency and disaster prevention and rescue scenarios at Kyushu Health and Welfare University. "This is a very stable flight, and I believe both patients and doctors can ride with peace of mind. I believe unmanned manned aircraft are very useful in emergency situations, and if put into use, it can save lives," said Sato Nobuhiro, President of the Yanoka Medical Association, after watching the flight
On March 6th, the EH216-S unmanned manned aircraft arrived in Kazuoka City, Okayama Prefecture for a manned flight demonstration. There have been multiple flight demonstrations of the EH216-S here. Since its first flight in June 2021, Yihang Intelligent's EH216-S has completed a large number of demonstration flights in multiple counties in Japan, including Okayama, Fukushima, Miyazaki, Hyogo, Okinawa, Oita, and Osaka, fully exploring the application of unmanned manned aircraft in different scenarios such as sightseeing, logistics transportation, emergency rescue, and island travel.
On March 10th, in Awaji City, Hyogo Prefecture, EH216-S carried two passengers and safely returned to the starting point after flying in the air, fully demonstrating the application of unmanned manned aircraft in tourism and emergency rescue to the audience. Hyogo Prefectural Governor Motohiko Saito said, "This is our first demonstration flight of future air traffic eVTOL on Awaji Island. I strongly feel that Awaji Island has great potential in areas such as air tourism and air transportation. We will work together with enterprises and others to create an environment where people can enjoy air travel on Awaji."
Xin, the Chief Operating Officer of Yihang Intelligence, said, "We are very grateful for the support of the Civil Aviation Administration of Japan and our partner MASC, which has enabled Yihang Intelligence's unmanned manned aircraft to successfully complete its patrol journey in Japan once again. Our EH216-S has successfully obtained the first model certificate and standard airworthiness certificate in the global manned eVTOL industry, which means we have opened the door to the commercial operation of eVTOL.". We look forward to the application of EH216-S in Japan's tourism, medical emergency and other scenarios in the near future, to help Japan build an advanced air transportation (AAM) ecosystem
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