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One click unlock AI store opening for 0 yuan, generate graphic and text videos, and upgrade JD's "Spring Dawn Plan" again

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In 2023, JD.com comprehensively promoted the rapid development of the merchant ecosystem through the "Spring Dawn Plan", achieving a year-on-year increase of 4.3 times in the number of new merchants in one year, driving the number of third-party merchants to nearly double. Currently, the total number of JD.com merchants has approached one million.
On March 11th, JD.com announced another upgrade of its "Spring Dawn Plan" and launched 20 support measures, including a series of AI tools to provide free entry, graphic and text production, video generation, customer service, live streaming and other services for all categories of merchants, helping merchants save 50% of operating costs and driving the growth of user and order numbers for third-party merchants.
AI generates free graphic and text videos, and digital live streaming to reduce costs and increase efficiency
After the upgrade of the "Spring Dawn Plan", JD.com launched the "AI Omni Service Package", which provides store operation services for merchants through a series of free AI tools, supporting merchants to achieve new growth and breakthroughs in the new year.
JD's new "store opening AI assistant" is gradually being promoted to all merchants, which can answer their store opening questions at any time, help merchants settle down at 0 yuan through the official website of "JD Merchants", WeChat official account and other channels, and individual merchants can successfully register stores with their ID cards in one minute at the earliest.
In terms of content generation, JD.com uses AI tools such as "Linglong" and "Jingdian Dian" to help merchants generate images and copy content for free. Through "Cloud Cutting", JD also intelligently generates videos for planting, marketing, and product explanations, helping merchants save tens of thousands of yuan in product image and video production costs annually. In addition, JD's free digital person "intelligent live streaming" provided to merchants can help them achieve 24-hour uninterrupted live streaming, saving them hundreds of thousands of live streaming costs every year.
In terms of customer service, "Jingxiaozhi" provides merchants with intelligent customer service and integrated sales solutions, which can help merchants save 50% of manual customer service costs and improve sales conversion efficiency. For example, Yilian, as a domestic hyaluronic acid skincare brand, used "Jingxiaozhi" after opening its store, significantly reducing the burden of manual customer service through full process services, saving an average of 7.5 manpower per day, and increasing the conversion rate of inquiries and orders to 52.6%.
0 yuan for opening a store, 80% reduction in commission for JD categories
After the upgrade of JD's "Spring Dawn Plan", comprehensive cost reduction policies will continue to be implemented for businesses, including targeting 80% of JD's categories, such as clothing and underwear, shoes and boots, jewelry, sports and outdoor, beauty and skincare, mother and baby, household appliances, home decoration materials, kitchenware, mobile phones, office consumables, gaming equipment, car maintenance, medical equipment, etc., and continuing to implement deduction and commission reduction policies and marketing activity support. In addition, merchants can enjoy "0 yuan trial operation", during which no deposit or platform usage fee needs to be paid; JD's 98% category operation support service rate for individual and individual businesses is as low as 0%, while enterprise businesses can lower their store opening costs according to the tiered deposit standard.
In terms of financial and logistics services, JD.com also provides loan discount services, express discount services, etc. to help businesses reduce financial pressure. For example, merchants can flexibly choose a courier company to send packages online, and new merchants can also enjoy discounted prices for a single shipment.
Utilizing "price star rating" and hot selling products to achieve a surge in traffic
In order to help high-quality stores stand out, JD's "Spring Dawn Plan" has been upgraded, providing more opportunities for merchants who can provide excellent products and services to obtain free traffic, making it easier for merchants to obtain traffic.
Firstly, JD is fully promoting the deep integration of low price strategy and traffic acquisition. Merchants can use the "price star" tool to adjust prices based on JD's guidance prices, automatically increasing the exposure and competitiveness of their products. At the same time, JD's "Store Star" and "Product Service Star" tools aim to help businesses optimize their user experience. Businesses with higher star ratings will receive support for core field traffic and have the opportunity to obtain exclusive logos.
JD has also launched a free product selection tool called "Business Opportunity Center", which provides merchants with highly popular business opportunity product recommendations. Merchants who publish such products will have the opportunity to increase search exposure traffic by more than 300%. The growth path of new merchants has also been upgraded, and after using it, the average time for new merchants to break orders will be shortened by 22% compared to previous merchants, and the traffic can be increased by about 8.5 times.
For new merchants, JD.com still provides generous traffic support policies. Newly enrolled merchants who complete designated tasks within 90 days of opening a store have the opportunity to receive up to twice the maximum and up to 28 days of traffic acceleration. New merchants can also enjoy up to 5800 yuan in advertising promotion incentives, achieving rapid order breaking and promoting order growth.
Support merchants to "send one item on behalf" and 1-second express delivery
JD continues to help businesses operate more efficiently and enhance their core competitiveness through a series of free tools and service products.
Firstly, JD's promotional tools continue to be upgraded, with 12 new promotional tools including brand membership, card opening gifts, and member discounts being launched on the Jingmai app, improving the efficiency of merchants participating in promotions and helping them increase their order conversion rates. In addition, Jingmai supports merchants to quickly release standard products, helping merchants pre fill in product information and improving product delivery efficiency. JD's "source of goods platform" also supports merchants to "ship one item on behalf of others", so merchants do not need to stock up, and can ship products as quickly as 1 second.
JD.com firmly prioritizes user experience and drives sales growth for businesses with the ultimate user experience. At present, JD.com has launched hundreds of service products for merchants to choose from, such as "price protection" and "lightning refund". Multiple high-quality services such as "free door-to-door return and exchange" and "large item shipping insurance" are expanding from self operated to third-party merchants, and plans to popularize third-party merchants with up to 59 free shipping by the end of March. This year, JD.com will also launch more high-quality service products to help businesses improve their service competitiveness and gain more business opportunities.
In terms of business tools, Jingmai Service Market provides merchants with 18 free business tools, covering multiple aspects such as product management, advertising placement, marketing activities, and order evaluation management, to help improve the efficiency of daily store operations and save nearly a thousand yuan on average for new merchants opening stores. In addition, merchants only need to pay a fee of 1 yuan to use JD Business Intelligence (Merchant Edition) products for data analysis and operational strategy optimization, improving business efficiency and effectiveness.
"Under the guidance of the open ecosystem strategy, JD.com will continue to upgrade its' Spring Dawn Plan ', bringing merchants a more intelligent store opening experience, more diversified traffic support, and more diverse growth tools, helping merchants further reduce costs and increase efficiency, promoting high-quality development of merchants, and also bringing consumers a better product, price, and service experience." The relevant person in charge of JD's Retail Ecological Service Department introduced.
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