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Clinique, L'Oreal, Wal Mart and other products have detected carcinogens in the United States, and many brands have responded

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Multiple well-known brands have been implicated in the cancer controversy. Recently, samples of famous brands such as Estee Lauder, Wal Mart, Reckitt, L'Oreal and Johnson&Johnson have been detected by American independent laboratories with high levels of carcinogen benzene. The FDA has not yet responded to this matter.
On March 8th, topics such as # Est é e Lauder's products detecting high concentrations of carcinogenic benzene in the United States # and # Est é e Lauder claiming all products sold in China are compliant # surged on Weibo hot searches. On the same day, the person in charge of Est é e Lauder responded to a reporter from Nandouwan Finance News that all products sold by Est é e Lauder in China comply with relevant national standards and laws and regulations.
L'Oreal insiders responded to media interviews by saying that a acne removing cleanser from Shile Skin has also been involved in this controversy, but the product is not sold domestically. Li Jie Shi Group has issued a statement regarding this matter, stating that the products of the involved brand are safe when used and stored according to the instructions on the label. Ludeqing customer service responded that the ingredients used in the product are within the scope required by Chinese cosmetics laws and regulations. The reporter from Nandu Bay Finance Agency interviewed Wal Mart China on this matter, but no response was received as of press release.
Weibo screenshot
An independent laboratory in the United States has released a report stating that
Excessive benzene content detected in some acne treatment products
According to the official website of Valisure, an independent laboratory in the United States, it is a leading technology company. On March 6th, the agency released a product inspection report stating that high levels of benzene were detected in acne treatment products containing benzoyl peroxide (BPO). The FDA has set a maximum limit of 2 ppm for benzene content in products, but Valisure's test results indicate that the benzene content in certain BPO products may be more than 800 times the FDA's regulatory limit.
Valisure also claims that they not only detected high levels of benzene inside BPO products, but also in the air surrounding their products, indicating that benzene may leak out of certain product packaging and pose a risk of inhalation. Valisure's report shows that benzene in BPO products comes from the degradation of the drug itself into benzene, which means the BPO product market will be widely affected.
Screenshot of Valisure's official website
The report shows that it conducted preliminary GC-MS analysis on 175 acne treatment products, of which 99 were BPO products and 76 were non BPO products. The results showed that no benzene was detected in non BPO products or the benzene content was below 2ppm, while out of 99 BPO products, 94 could not be detected in high temperature environments.
Multiple well-known brands have been named
Involving Est é e Lauder, L'Oreal, Johnson&Johnson, etc
At 50& Deg; In the 18 day stability test conducted by Valisure on 66 BPO products under C, 2 products were found to have benzene content exceeding 1500ppm, 17 products had benzene content exceeding 100ppm, and 42 products had benzene content exceeding 10ppm.
Image source: Valisure official website
Specifically, one Clinique sample under Est é e Lauder (containing 2.5% BPO) has a benzene content exceeding 400ppm;
One Clearasil product (containing 10% BPO) under the UK's Richter&Gamble brand has a benzene content exceeding 300ppm;
One sample (containing 4.0% BPO) of CeraVe, a brand under L'Oreal, was found to have a benzene content exceeding 10ppm, while another sample (containing 4.0% BPO) of CeraVe was found to have a benzene content exceeding 5ppm;
One sample (containing 10.0% BPO) of Wal Mart's proprietary brand Equale was found to contain more than 40ppm benzene;
Report screenshot
Report screenshot
In addition, multiple samples of Johnson&Johnson's brand Neutrogena have also been tested for benzene content, including one sample containing 10.0% BPO with a benzene content greater than 3ppm, and two samples containing 2.5% BPO with a benzene content greater than 6ppm.
Report screenshot
The laboratory stated that it has submitted a petition to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) calling on regulatory agencies to recall products, conduct investigations, and revise industry guidelines.
Corporate response
Li Jieshi Group declares that all Clearasil products
Safe to use and store according to label instructions
Clearasil, a brand under Reckitt Benckiser, has been found to contain high levels of carcinogenic chemical benzene in its products. Lijie Shi is a well-known fast-moving consumer goods company, which owns well-known brands such as Durex, Delu, Vitine, and Mead Johnson.
On March 6th, Eastern Time, Lijie Group issued a statement regarding this matter, stating that all Clearasil products are safe when used and stored according to the instructions on the label. Li Jieshi also stated that the product and its components remain stable under the storage conditions described on the packaging, which represent all reasonable and foreseeable conditions. "The research results proposed by an independent laboratory today reflect unrealistic scenarios, rather than real-world conditions.".
Tuyuan Lijeshi Group Official Website
Est é e Lauder claims that Clinique products are safe to use as expected
All products sold in China can be used with confidence
According to Reuters, Est é e Lauder has responded that Clinique did indeed use benzoyl peroxide (BPO) in a product, but "it is safe to use as expected.".
On March 8th, the person in charge of Est é e Lauder responded to a reporter from Nan Du Wan Finance News that ensuring product safety is Clinique's top priority, and providing consumers with safe and high-quality products is our mission. All products sold by Est é e Lauder in China comply with relevant national standards and laws and regulations, and can be used with confidence.
Shile Skin's Acne Removing Cleansing Face Involved in Cancer Controversy
L'Oreal claims that the product is not being sold domestically
According to Observer Network, insiders at L'Oreal have stated that a acne removing cleanser from Shile Skin has also been involved in this controversy, but this product is not sold in China because BPO products are prohibited from use in China, and all L'Oreal products have undergone strict quality inspection and safety testing. Therefore, this controversy is essentially unrelated to our Chinese market.
On March 9th, CeraVe's official flagship store responded to a reporter from Nandouwan Finance News that all brand products comply with national laws and regulations, and consumers can purchase and use them with confidence.
Ludeqing responded by stating that the ingredients used in the product
All within the scope required by Chinese cosmetics laws and regulations
On March 9th, the overseas flagship store of Ludeqing responded to a reporter from Nanduwan Finance News that the ingredients used in the brand's products are within the scope required by Chinese cosmetics laws and regulations. The products have passed relevant safety tests, have a mild texture, and can be used with confidence.
BPO is strictly prohibited in acne removing cosmetics in China
A reporter from Nandouwan Finance News Agency noticed that BPO is strictly prohibited in acne removing cosmetics in China. In the "Catalogue of Prohibited Cosmetic Ingredients" revised by the National Medical Products Administration in May 2021, it contains benzoyl peroxide; However, according to the Chinese Acne Treatment Guidelines (2019 Revised Edition), benzoyl peroxide is the preferred topical antibacterial drug for inflammatory acne. The guidelines also remind that mild irritation may occur during use, and it is recommended to start at low concentrations and use in small areas.
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