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Ctrip releases its 2024 word-of-mouth ranking, revealing over 20 themed rankings

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In recent years, various departments have successively introduced practical policies such as visa simplification and payment optimization, to facilitate exchanges between Chinese and foreign personnel, economy and trade, and tourism. Ctrip actively responds to favorable policies, promotes multiple innovations in products, content, technology, and continuously optimizes the experience of inbound and outbound tourism, and drives domestic and foreign tourism industry partners to share the dividends of China's cross-border tourism development.
To further seize the opportunities of cross-border tourism, Ctrip Group held the Envision 2024 Global Partner Conference in Shanghai and Zhangjiajie from May 30th to 31st, inviting more than 1600 foreign tourism industry guests from over 50 countries and regions to participate and jointly explore the development opportunities of China's cross-border tourism market and tell the story of China well.
At the Envision conference, Ctrip stated that it has established strategic partnerships with major global chain hotels, airlines, destination tourism suppliers, and tourism bureaus. The company's global tourism supply chain has covered over 1.7 million hotels and over 600 airlines, establishing a tourism ecosystem network with over 90000 global partners such as travel agencies, scenic spots, and car rental service providers.
At present, Ctrip's overseas air ticket business continues to maintain a leading scale in the Asia Pacific region; The overseas hotel business collaborated with over 8000 hotels worldwide to launch hotel+X package products, achieving significant sales growth; The sales of international train tickets have increased by 122% year-on-year since 2024; The overseas vacation business will further expand global ticketing services, with plans to add 16 new sites and 8 service languages; The overseas business travel business will achieve triple digit growth in 2023 and plans to expand its layout in markets such as Greater China, North Asia, Southeast Asia, the Middle East, as well as Europe and North America.
At the scene, representatives from global tourism partners such as Jeju Mythical World, Bangkok Grand Hotel, European Railway Company, Hong Kong Disneyland, Türkiye Tourism Promotion and Development Bureau shared their cooperation cases with Ctrip in brand promotion, marketing and other fields.
How to start the next growth cycle has become a widely discussed topic in the global tourism industry. Continuous investment in innovation and technological development seems to be a universal consensus and common answer, especially the potential for change brought about by AI, which has attracted much attention. Liang Jianzhang, co-founder and chairman of Ctrip Group, delivered an innovative keynote speech, emphasizing the importance of innovation and AI in the tourism industry.
He said, "Innovation is needed in every industry, and the tourism industry is no exception. AI innovation like TripGenie is one of the innovative ways to innovate travel planning and booking processes. The impact of AI on the tourism industry is broad, it can improve productivity, improve customer service quality, and provide highly personalized travel advice to users."
TripGenie is an AI assistant launched by Ctrip International version Trip.com, helping overseas users answer travel questions. At present, TripGenie can support 9 languages including English, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, French, and German, and plans to launch new language services such as Italian, Dutch, and Malay by the end of June.
2024 Ctrip Word of mouth Ranking Revealed: Multiple Measures to Assist the Development of Cross border Travel
In response to the increasing number of Chinese tourists leaving the country and foreign tourists entering the country for tourism, Ctrip fully leverages the domestic and international tourism supply chain to continuously improve the tourism experience of outbound and inbound tourism.
In terms of content dimension, Ctrip Group released its 2024 word-of-mouth ranking in Zhangjiajie on May 31, providing travel references for global tourists. The annual word-of-mouth ranking covers more than 20 theme lists for business lines such as hotels, attractions, night tours, cuisine, and destinations. For example, hotel sub lists such as luxury, skiing, beauty, and design sense have been selected, with 100 selected globally and 100 selected in Asia. It is worth noting that the above rankings are all manually verified by intelligent algorithms and Ctrip teams around the world, ensuring the authenticity and reference of the rankings.
2024 Ctrip word-of-mouth ranking released
Xiao Yuan, Vice President of Ctrip Group and CEO of the Big Accommodation Business Group, Ji Yihua, Vice President of Ctrip Group and CEO of Tickets Entertainment, Sun Tianxu, Vice President of Ctrip Group and CEO of Ctrip Food Forest, and other executives have successively announced the shortlist of hotels, attractions, cuisine and other theme lists. The Astier Palace Four Seasons Hotel in Athens, the Fuji Hongxi Noah Hotel in Japan, and the Lijiang Jinmao Puxiu Snow Mountain Hotel have been selected as one of the 100 scenic hotels worldwide. Shanghai Disney Resort, Sydney Taronga Zoo, Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base, Abu Dhabi Ferrari Theme Park, and others have been selected as 100 parent-child parks worldwide. Odette from Singapore, Kikunai from Japan, Fuwa Hui from Shanghai, and Da Ban Lou from Hong Kong have been selected as one of the 100 luxury restaurants in Asia.
2024 Ctrip word-of-mouth ranking released
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