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The three major US stock indexes collectively closed higher, with Nasdaq and S&P up more than 1%. Nvidia hit a new high

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On Thursday Eastern Time, the three major US stock indexes collectively closed higher, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average up 0.34%, the Nasdaq up 1.51%, and the S&P 500 Index up 1.03%, reaching a new closing high. Popular technology stocks generally rose, while Nvidia rose more than 4%, with a market value of $2.32 trillion, less than $300 billion lower than Apple. Meta and Intel rose more than 3%, Google rose more than 2%, and Amazon, Microsoft, and Tesla rose more than 1%. The semiconductor, metal raw materials, and blockchain sectors were among the top performers, with Ansemy Semiconductor and Microchip Technology up over 6%, Qualcomm, Broadcom, Southern Copper, and Century Aluminum up over 4%, and Arm, Micron Technology, and STMicroelectronics up over 3%. The cruise, solid-state battery, and packaged food sectors fell, with Carnival cruise ships falling more than 2% and Kraft Heinz and General Mills falling more than 1%.
Popular Chinese concept stocks fluctuated, with the Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index falling 0.86%. Tencent Music rose over 7%, Weibo and NetEase rose over 2%, iQiyi rose over 1%, and Pinduoduo and NIO saw a slight increase. Man Bang fell more than 5%, Ideal Automobile and JD.com fell more than 3%, Bilibili, Alibaba, Baidu, Xiaopeng Automobile, and Vipshop fell more than 1%, and Futu Holdings fell slightly.
Global News

Major variables are coming from the periphery! What is the impact on the market?
On March 7th, Bloomberg reported that according to congressional aides, the US government is preparing to invest $3.5 billion in Intel to produce advanced semiconductors for military and intelligence projects. This fund was included in an expenditure bill passed by the House of Representatives on March 6th.
The Federal Reserve's Brown Book shows that inflationary pressures are still widespread in the United States
The National Economic Situation Survey report released by the Federal Reserve on the 6th shows that since early January, the US economy has grown slightly, and inflationary pressures are still widespread.
Powell agrees that the interest rate reduction market is happy: US stocks and bonds rise together, gold conquers 2150!
On Wednesday of this week, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell's testimony speech in Congress created a scene of "everyone is happy" for major cross asset classes: the three major US stock indexes closed higher on Wednesday, partially salvaging Tuesday's losses; The price of US Treasury bonds has also risen, with the 10-year yield hitting a one month low; In addition, spot gold prices have further hit a historic high, and the journey to new highs since the beginning of this week is still ongoing
The European Central Bank's maintenance of three key interest rates unchanged meets market expectations
On March 7th, the European Central Bank maintained its main refinancing rate at 4.50%, deposit mechanism rate at 4.00%, and marginal lending rate at 4.75% unchanged.
Company News
Semiconductor giant suddenly brings big news! Asma plans to relocate to other countries
ASML, a global lithography giant, plans to relocate from the Netherlands to other countries or expand significantly overseas. In response, the Dutch government has taken urgent action and is negotiating with this semiconductor equipment manufacturer to ensure that Asma does not transfer its business to other countries.
The US stock market is going to change! Is the "Seven Giants" of Apple and Tesla a thing of the past?
When the AI revolution represented by Nvidia lifted hope for the US stock market and even the US economy, Tesla and Apple, the "difficult brothers" among the seven giants, were joining hands to welcome a fierce "fan loss".
For the first time in over a year! Tesla fell for 3 consecutive days and dropped out of the "Top 10 US Listed Companies"
Since the beginning of this week, Tesla's stock price has been in a continuous decline. After two consecutive days of sharp declines, the stock fell another 2.32% on Wednesday to $176.54. As a result, its market value has correspondingly dropped to $553.183 billion, falling out of the top 10 companies in the United States by market value.
Lilly executives warn that "weight loss pills" may still be in short supply by 2025
The market for new weight loss pills continues to be booming, with products from the two giants Novo Nordisk and Lilly in short supply. A senior executive at Lilly stated that the company may not be able to meet demand this year, and may even be unable to keep up with demand by 2025.
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