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US stock closing: All three major indexes fell by more than 1%. NVIDIA and AMD Computer set a new closing high against the trend

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On Tuesday Eastern Time, the three major US stock indexes collectively closed lower. As of the close, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.04%, the Nasdaq fell 1.65%, and the S&P 500 index fell 1.02%.
Large tech stocks generally fell, with Intel falling more than 5%, Broadcom falling more than 4%, Tesla and Qualcomm falling more than 3%, Netflix, Microsoft, Asma, and Apple falling more than 2%, and Meta and Amazon falling more than 1%. AMD fell slightly after media reported that its sales of "customized AI chips" to China were deemed "too strong" by the US government and faced obstacles from the US government. NVIDIA and AMD computers closed slightly higher, with their stock prices continuing to reach new closing highs.
Bitcoin rose and fell, falling below the $60000 mark at one point. Bitcoin concept stocks generally fell, with Ebon International falling nearly 16%, Marathon Digital and Bitmining falling more than 13%, Riot Blockchain falling more than 9%, Coinbase and Bitcoin falling more than 5%.
Most popular Chinese concept stocks fell, with the Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index falling 1.49%. Tencent Music fell more than 6%, iQiyi fell more than 5%, NetEase, Baidu, Bilibili, and JD.com fell more than 2%, while Vipshop, Manbang, Futu Holdings, and Pinduoduo saw a slight decline. NIO rose over 2%, while Ideal Automobile, Weibo, and Alibaba saw slight gains.
Global News

Crazy over 300000 people sold out! Bitcoin skyrocketed to nearly 500000 yuan per coin before diving into the water
According to foreign media reports, on the 5th local time, Bitcoin rose to a new high, with a value of over 69000 US dollars (approximately 496600 RMB). Within the year, Bitcoin has risen by over 62%. However, shortly after Bitcoin hit a new high, there was a significant drop, losing $60000 at one point. Data shows that with significant fluctuations in Bitcoin, over 300000 cryptocurrencies across the network were sold out within 24 hours, with a total amount of $1.157 billion.
What does this "frenzy" of the US stock market mean? DB: Taking history as a mirror, the rate is probably foam!
Since October last year, the historic rise in the US stock market has shown little sign of stopping - the S&P 500 index has risen for 16 out of the past 18 weeks, marking the first time such a trend has occurred since 1971.
50 million pieces! Resignation for coin trading: It's difficult to get rich, but losing 8 million only takes one night
Data shows that approximately $48.54 billion has flowed into the cryptocurrency market in the past 30 days, the highest capital inflow since October 2021. The enthusiasm of investors has been reignited, and many beginners have also taken advantage of the market trend to flock in. The lawyer pointed out that there are relevant cases confirming that virtual currency is legal virtual property, and there is no provision that virtual currency is prohibited from circulation or trading. However, individuals may be involved in illegal activities such as money laundering and fraud due to specific operations and funding sources during the process of holding and trading.
The rising trend of gold is like a rainbow. Danbin raises the "Five Year Question": Who is the most valuable asset in the seven major categories in the future? Maotai, Bitcoin, and gold rank in the top three
True gold is not afraid of fire and is even more maddening. Tonight, COMEX April gold futures continued to rise after opening, and it closed above $2100 last night, creating new history. Renowned investor Dan Bin raised the "Five Year Question" and included seven major asset classes, including gold, Bitcoin, Nvidia, and Microsoft stocks, as the most valuable options in five years. This interesting comparison immediately sparked a wave of attention within the circle.
Is there still 37% room for an increase in the Nikkei 225? Economist: Will hit 55000 points by the end of next year
On Monday of this week, the Nikkei 225 index in Japan broke through the 40000 point mark, a historic milestone that global market analysts and investors cheered.
Company News
Media: AMD's sale of "special edition" chips to China is hindered and requires permission to export
According to sources cited by the media, AMD's artificial intelligence (AI) chips specially customized for the Chinese market have not been approved by the US Department of Commerce. If the company wants to sell this chip to China, it will need to apply for an export license.
Jia Yueting's "Bombardment" of Ding Lei and Gaohe Automobile: Industry Shame! FF formally sues netizens: supports Mr. Jia's return to China
On March 5th, Jia Yueting posted on Weibo criticizing Ding Lei and Gao He as a disgrace to the industry, and stated that after a long period of investigation, evidence collection, and preparation, FF officially filed a lawsuit today against Ding Lei and Gao He Automotive for suspected illegal or even criminal acts of stealing and infringing on FF's intellectual property, technical data, and commercial secrets.
Sudden! "Tesla factory shuts down"
According to the Berlin Morning Post, Tesla's factory in Greenhead, Germany was suspected to have been set on fire by environmentalists in the early hours of Tuesday, resulting in damage to power facilities, factory shutdown, and power outages in some areas of Berlin. The Greenhead factory in Germany is Tesla's second overseas super factory after the Shanghai super factory, and also Tesla's first manufacturing base in Europe. At present, the annual production capacity of the factory is about 500000 vehicles. The impact of the factory shutdown on Tesla is also evident.
Can Apple's M3 MacBook Air Make Its debut on AI Save Sales
On March 5th, a Beijing Business Daily reporter learned that Apple has officially launched its new MacBook Air, which features the latest M3 chip, marking Apple's entry into the AI PC competition. In the eyes of experts, as a productivity tool, laptops undoubtedly rely more on AI, and users will have a clearer perception of improving work efficiency. In this competition, it is still unknown whether the declining Mac computer will turn around overnight or continue to decline.
NIO Official Announcement: A New High in History!
On March 5th, NIO released its financial reports for the fourth quarter and full year of 2023. According to financial report data, in the fourth quarter of 2023, NIO's revenue was 17.10 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.5%; The gross profit margin of the entire vehicle is 11.9%, reaching double digits for two consecutive quarters.
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