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Suggestion from He Xiaopeng: Explore limited scenario unmanned driving policies and regulations to accelerate the top-level design of flying cars

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The 2024 National People's Congress and Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference are approaching, and National People's Congress representative, Chairman and CEO of Xiaopeng Motors, He Xiaopeng, has put forward several suggestions, including "Suggestions on Exploring Limited Scenario Autonomous Driving Regulations, Accelerating the Integration and Interaction between New Energy Vehicles and the Power Grid" and "Suggestions on Promoting the Application of Flying Vehicles and Supporting the Development of Low Altitude Economy and New Quality Productivity".
In order to alleviate the current shortage of charging resources in society, maintain the safety and stability of the power grid, and cope with the structural contradictions of the charging market such as strong demand during peak hours and a large amount of idle during valley hours, as well as better support the development of autonomous driving technology, He Xiaopeng proposed two suggestions: exploring policies and regulations for limited scenario low-speed autonomous driving, and carrying out pilot applications of limited scenario nighttime low-speed autonomous driving and supplementary energy; Promote top-level design of car network interaction, build mature business models, unify relevant standards, explore more application scenarios, and accelerate market-oriented promotion.
Facing the blue ocean market of flying cars, He Xiaopeng also proposed three development suggestions: accelerate the forward-looking top-level design and planning of flying cars in product management, product certification, standard system design, and promote the internationalization process of Chinese standards; Establish a flying vehicle driving qualification certification and training system based on the demand for large-scale application of flying vehicles; Referring to the development experience of the new energy vehicle industry, we will coordinate industrial development policies and resource guarantees, and promote the rapid development of the aviation vehicle industry.
Explore the establishment of limited scenario autonomous driving regulations and accelerate the integration and interaction between new energy vehicles and the power grid
In the view of He Xiaopeng, currently, China's new energy vehicle penetration is accelerating and the number of vehicles is growing rapidly. In order to ensure the charging needs of the vast number of users, although the charging infrastructure continues to grow rapidly, it still faces many challenges such as limited land resources, insufficient power capacity, and prominent structural contradictions in the charging market.
In this context, by leveraging the autonomous driving capability of vehicles, autonomous charging of unmanned vehicles at night can be achieved, and the electricity load can be scaled up from peak daytime periods to low nighttime periods. This is expected to significantly improve the supply-demand contradiction during peak daytime periods, enhance the utilization rate of charging infrastructure, and fully leverage the advantages of abundant and low-cost nighttime electricity. However, there is still a lack of relevant policy and regulatory support.
To this end, He Xiaopeng suggests exploring the establishment of policies and regulations for low-speed autonomous driving in limited scenarios, conducting pilot applications of low-speed autonomous driving and energy supplementation at night, achieving a shift from "finding piles for people" to "finding piles for cars", transferring electricity loads from peak daytime periods to low nighttime periods, and transforming charging from active behavior to automated roaming services, thus forming a win-win situation for the power grid, users, charging station operators, and vehicle enterprises. The relevant regulations and pilot programs will also apply to scenarios such as autonomous parking and low-speed logistics for users at night.
It is worth noting that in vehicle power batteries have the property of mobile energy storage and can interact with the power grid as a large-scale, distributed and flexible resource, further leveraging the power grid regulation ability of peak shaving and valley filling, and playing an important role in real-time balance and safe operation of the power grid. Therefore, vehicle grid interaction has rich application scenarios and huge economic and strategic value, but currently progress is slow and there are many checkpoints, The main problem is the lack of clear business models and related technical standards.
Based on this, He Xiaopeng suggests promoting the top-level design of vehicle network interaction, building a mature business model, unifying relevant standards, exploring more application scenarios, accelerating market-oriented promotion, and quickly developing a standard system for each link of vehicle network interaction, clarifying the trading mechanism of the electricity market, and accelerating the construction of a mature business model for vehicle network interaction, forming stable profit expectations for all participants.
Accelerate the commercialization of flying cars and support the development of new quality productivity in low altitude economy
He Xiaopeng pointed out that as an advanced intelligent transportation tool, flying cars are becoming a hot topic in the field of science and technology innovation that countries such as China, the United States, Japan, and Europe are rushing to enter, and have entered a period of explosive development. China is at the forefront of the world in the research and development of amphibious flying vehicles, with broad prospects for the development of low altitude economy. However, as a new species, flying cars cannot meet the urgent market demand due to their corresponding product regulations and certification efficiency.
When discussing how to better accelerate the development of the flying car industry, He Xiaopeng suggested that firstly, we should accelerate the top-level design and planning of flying cars, and make forward-looking top-level planning in product management, product certification, standard system design, etc., and promote the internationalization process of Chinese standards.
Secondly, He Xiaopeng suggests building a comprehensive operational system for flying vehicles, supporting the large-scale application of products from multiple aspects such as driver qualifications, airspace, and operational management.
Meanwhile, He Xiaopeng suggests that the aviation automotive industry can learn from the policy development experience of the new energy vehicle industry and promote the rapid development of the industry. The core measures include: firstly, conducting special research on supporting the development of the flying automobile industry, establishing an industry guidance fund, and supporting the tackling of key core technologies; The second is to strengthen land security, coordinate infrastructure and resource support; The third is to carry out application exploration, establish demonstration zones for flying car operations, and establish flying car industry institutions to accelerate the construction of the industrial ecosystem; The fourth is to strengthen commercial support, and in the early stage of product commercialization, coordinate a package of financial tools to support the promotion and application of flying cars.
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