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Maotai and Ruixing meet on Monday

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"That's right, we're holding hands again!"
On January 19, Kweichow Moutai announced through the official micro blog that it would once again join hands with Ruixing Coffee to launch a new Spring Festival product on January 22.
The staff of a certain store of Luckin Coffee in Shanghai confirmed to reporters that the new product to be launched on the 22nd is a chocolate milk drink, which contains chocolate, sauce flavored Maotai thick milk, and milk. The difference from the previously launched "sauce flavored latte" is that this new product does not contain caffeine.
On September 4, 2023, Maotai and Luckin Coffee teamed up to launch the "Sauce flavored Latte", which was simultaneously launched in over 10000 Luckin Coffee stores nationwide. According to official data from Luckin, the first day sales of the sauce flavored latte exceeded 5.42 million cups, and the first day sales of the single product exceeded 100 million yuan.
Since the release of ice cream in May 2022, Maotai has collaborated with food companies such as Mengniu, Zhongjie, Luckin, and Mars, successfully entering the ice cream, coffee, and chocolate categories, from unlocking the "first Moutai for young people" of Maotai ice cream to browsing the social media and dominating Weibo on sauce flavored latte moments.
On December 30, 2023, at the 2024 Market Work Conference of Maotai Group, Ding Xiongjun, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Maotai Group, revealed that the "Maoxiaoling" food project achieved a revenue of 430 million yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 58.24%; The sales revenue of Maotai Group's cultural and tourism sector increased by 200% year-on-year, and the sales of Maotai ice cream, liquor chocolate, and sauce flavored latte, the three major cultural and creative products, increased by over 50%.
At this meeting, Wang Xiaowei, Deputy General Manager of Maotai Group, revealed that it is expected that the revenue of Maotai Group's liquor sector will exceed 150 billion yuan and profits will exceed 100 billion yuan in 2023, with year-on-year growth of 18% and 16%, respectively. Maotai ice cream, Maotai liquor chocolate, and sauce flavored latte achieved a total revenue of about 430 million yuan, a year-on-year increase of about 50%. Among them, Maotai liquor heart chocolate sold nearly 20 tons, and sauce flavored lattes sold about 40 million cups.
When talking about how to do a good job in the market work in 2024, Wang Li, the General Manager of Maotai Group, emphasized that in terms of channels, it is necessary to continuously optimize and improve existing offline channels such as social distributors, deepen cooperation with distributors, enhance the overall strength of distributors, further focus on weak and empty markets, optimize the dense channel network, and comprehensively expand market coverage; We need to continuously establish and improve online channels such as iMaotai and e-commerce, leverage the role of digital marketing, attract more products, form product synergy, and increase product exposure; We need to use digital means to promote the deep integration of online and offline channels, forming complementarity.
In order to win the favor of young consumers, Maotai will further focus on the lower alcohol content fruit wine market.
According to Tianyan's App, on December 12, 2023, Kweichow Moutai (Group) Ecological Agriculture Industry Development Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Ecological Agriculture Company") applied to register multiple trademarks of "Maotai Ice Wine", "Maotai Fruit Wine" and "Oriental Maotai Fruit Tea Ice Wine". The international classification involves wine, beer drinks, advertising sales, etc., and the current trademark status is pending substantive review.
Public information shows that Ecological Agriculture Company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Maotai Group, established in 2015. The company's main products include blueberry series alcoholic beverages and fruits, food, health products, etc. Its brand "Youmi UMEET" enjoys high popularity and has launched multiple new products to cater to the new generation of consumer groups.
It is disclosed that Kweichow Moutai is expected to achieve a total operating revenue of about 149.5 billion yuan in 2023 (including about 125.8 billion yuan of operating revenue of Moutai liquor and 20.4 billion yuan of operating revenue of series liquor), an increase of about 17.2% year on year; It is expected to achieve a net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company of approximately 73.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of approximately 17.2%.
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