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Xiaopeng X9 is listed and XNGP is available upon delivery. He Xiaopeng: Do not draw big cakes, do not sell futures

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At the beginning of 2024, the MPV market has added new players.
The Xiaopeng X9, a large seven seater model under the SEPA2.0 rotary architecture of Xiaopeng Motors, has been officially launched, with a total of four configuration models, ranging from 359800 yuan to 419800 yuan, and delivery will begin this month. At the press conference, before the new car was unveiled, Xiaopeng Motors Chairman He Xiaopeng joked that he was actually going to release two new cars today, because the X9 is a new car that can be transformed with just one click, and can freely switch between a large seven seater MPV and a super large four seater SUV.
2024 marks the 10th anniversary of Xiaopeng Automobile's establishment. Looking back at his initial entry into the automotive industry 10 years ago, He Xiaopeng believes that the Chinese automotive market does not lack automotive companies, so he vows to be a different enterprise, launching different products and technologies. Can the Xiaopeng X9 stand out in the 2023 MPV market with its original intention of being different?
Creating a versatile driving experience from single use to multiple use
Looking at the new cars launched in the past two years, high-end MPVs have emerged as a rising star. In addition to joint venture brands such as the Sienna, Greyvia, and Buick Century, domestic brands have shown a collective awakening trend. Before the Xiaopeng X9, there were several models such as the Tengshi D9, the Geely K009, the Lantu Dreamer, the GAC E9, the Hongqi HQ9, the Datong MIFA 9, the Hechuang V09, the GAC E8, the Great Wall Gaoshan, and the Pentium M9. It is reported that Ideal Automobile's MPV model MEGA pure electric vehicle will also be launched this year.
How can the Xiaopeng X9 build its own recognition amidst the fierce competition in the MPV market?
It is reported that thanks to the technological empowerment of the SEPA2.0 rotary technology architecture, the Xiaopeng X9 hopes to completely overturn the stereotypical impression of MPV models in the past market in terms of intelligence, space, driving control, and safety, and bring a new category of driving experience from traditional to future, from difficult to drive to easy to drive, and from single to multi-purpose, to meet the increasingly personalized and diversified travel needs of consumers today.
It is precisely to meet the diverse scenarios of family travel that the Xiaopeng X9 can be accessed from the Big Seven MPV& Quota; One click deformation; Quota; To a super large four seater SUV, and to pursue a driving experience that is more comfortable and flexible than MPVs. The chassis structure of the Xiaopeng X9 has undergone a brand new tuning, with a 30% increase in steering response, a 9% increase in cornering ultimate grip performance, and a 30% increase in high-speed smoothness. In addition, the Xiaopeng X9 is equipped with an active rear wheel steering system and an intelligent dual chamber air suspension system as standard across the entire range, with a turning diameter of up to the smallest 10.8m in the same class. This allows the Xiaopeng X9 to be as flexible as driving a small car, while also automatically adjusting the suspension soft and hard according to road conditions, ensuring the most comfortable driving experience and eliminating the traditional MPV driving experience of being "big" and "difficult to drive".
In terms of space, it has a leading 7.7m2 interior area in its class, with three rows of seats stored through one click electric magic. The trunk can expand up to 2554L and accommodate 4 adult bicycles or 29 20 inch suitcases. In addition to the standard large refrigerator, large color TV, and large sofa in the entire series, etc; Quota; Family luxury and comfort; Quota; Configuration, Xiaopeng X9 has also made a breakthrough in& Quota; Central air conditioning; Quota; Installed in the car to avoid direct cold air blowing.
In terms of safety, the Xiaopeng X9 adopts a 2000MPa cage body, nineteen circular safety designs, and a combination of various high-strength steel and lightweight aluminum materials, achieving ultimate lightweighting while ensuring the strength of the body. Meanwhile, the Xiaopeng X9 adopts the industry's first front and rear integrated aluminum die-casting body structure, with a maximum die-casting force of 12000 tons and a torsional stiffness of 46000N · m/deg.
&Amp; Quota; The soul of autonomous driving lies in AI& Quota;
In terms of intelligence, the Xiaopeng X9 has launched Xiaopeng's latest generation XOS Dimensity Intelligent Cockpit System, which for the first time realizes split screen display of navigation maps and N applications, realizing the functions of getting on, driving, and parking; Quota; One mirror to the end; Quota; Full scene vehicle sensing SR, leading the intelligent cockpit into the era of large models.
Based on the high-speed promotion of Xiaopeng Automobile's intelligent driving, the XNGP full scene intelligent assisted driving system equipped on the Xiaopeng X9 can be delivered and used, pursuing a more universal and user-friendly intelligent driving experience without relying on high-precision maps.
When it comes to intelligent driving, He Xiaopeng said at the press conference, "It's not like installing a few CPUs, radars, and cameras in a car, just saying it has autonomous driving. It just has hardware for autonomous driving, but the soul lies in AI, the soul lies in software and experience."
Since the beginning of this year, new forces in the automotive industry, including Baoshou Xiaopeng, NIO, Ideal, Wenjie, Avita, and Zhiji, have been vigorously promoting urban intelligent assisted driving and have successively set their own "small goals". It is reported that the Xiaopeng XNGP intelligent assisted driving system has urban intelligent driving capabilities, covering 191 new cities on the basis of 52 cities that have been fully released, with a total coverage of 243 cities. It will officially take effect on January 2nd. Regarding this, He Xiaopeng said, "We originally planned to complete the opening of 200 cities by the end of 2024. Our goal is to complete 243 cities one year ahead of schedule, basically covering the whole country. We cannot draw big cakes or sell futures."
For Xiaopeng Motors, 2023 is a year of continuous climbing from the bottom, with monthly sales of 5218 units at the beginning of the year and exceeding 20000 units for three consecutive months at the end of the year. Finally, with a cumulative annual sales of 141601 units, it returned to the top of the new forces. At present, high-end MPVs have become a red ocean market. According to data from the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, wholesale sales of MPVs in the first 11 months of 2023 were 983000 units, a year-on-year increase of 17.4%, with a net increase of 146000 units in sales; The proportion of MPV from January to November was 4.3%, an increase of 0.3 percentage points year-on-year. It is rare for MPV to soar against the trend in an environment of internal competition. The prosperity of the MPV market is inseparable from the promotion of a series of innovative products. In 2024, Xiaopeng Motors will start with a pure electric MPV, can it compete for a place in this market?
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