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One year after joining Ideal Auto, "internet celebrity" beauty product manager Song Ziwei was exposed to have resigned

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On October 7th, Red Star Capital Bureau reported that on October 6th, the topic "Song Ziwei is no longer in the Ideal Feishu contact list" made it to the hot search on Weibo. Regarding the news that Song Ziwei has been revealed to have resigned from Ideal Automobile (02015. HK; LI. US), insiders suggest that Song Ziwei should have left before the holiday.
Red Star Capital has noticed that there is controversy surrounding Song Ziwei's personal career in the public eye. From Huawei to Vivo, and then to Ideal, Song Ziwei, who has a background in working for top companies, quickly became popular with the help of her appearance. But in July this year, Song Ziwei once again caused dissatisfaction among netizens by using the "seven day no reason return" policy after experiencing a week of online shopping for a large number of popular digital products.
Since her official announcement of joining Ideal Motors last year, Song Ziwei has been exposed to have resigned again in just one year. The reason for her departure and her next destination are still unknown.
Insiders: Should have resigned before the holiday
Recently, some netizens revealed that Song Ziwei has resigned from Ideal Automobile. Insiders have stated that Song Ziwei is no longer in Ideal Company's Feishu contact list and should have resigned before the holiday.
Red Star Capital noticed that currently, Song Ziwei's last sharing of content related to Ideal Auto on her personal Weibo account @ Violet_Song Zhong was on August 28th.
Screenshot from Song Ziwei's personal Weibo account

According to public information, in 2019, Song Ziwei switched from Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. in Shanghai to Vivo as the iQOO Product Manager, and made her debut at the iQOO Neo launch event in July of the same year. With her profound expertise in the technology industry and good looks, Song Ziwei quickly gained a lot of attention.
In mid September 2023, Song Ziwei resigned from iQOO due to personal reasons and made her debut as an employee of Ideal Auto in December 2023, serving as the keynote speaker at the Ideal Auto intelligent software launch event. At that time, news such as "Song Ziwei's Ideal Car Debut," "Song Ziwei's Ideal Car Launch Event," and "Song Ziwei's Resignation from iQOO" all went viral on Weibo.
In November 2023, Song Ziwei responded to her job hopping to Ideal Auto on her personal Weibo account, saying, "It's actually quite simple. I started making mobile phones because of my love for digital technology. It's also because of my passion that I chose the automotive industry this time
At the same time, with Song Ziwei's leap from digital technology to the automotive industry, there is a question of whether it will be a magnificent turnaround or a setback.
The collapse of the character design was caused by the seven day no reason return policy
In July of this year, Song Ziwei wrote that she was "accustomed to buying back the best-selling products in this category, experiencing them for 7 days, then keeping the best one, and returning the other products". In addition, she strongly recommends that e-commerce platforms set up a 7-day return reminder in the comment section.
This statement has sparked a lot of controversy. Some netizens believe that the above behavior is a violation of the rights and interests of merchants.
Afterwards, Song Ziwei publicly apologized, "I love digital products very much, so I often buy some novel digital products to study at home. However, after several unsuccessful trial and error attempts, the products at home piled up like mountains. In order to save costs and time, I started to be lazy and took advantage of the unreasonable return and exchange rules. I have brought unnecessary burden to the merchants, and I am very sorry for this
She also stated that her behavior was wrong and very bad, and went against her original intention. I love the digital industry and respect every enterprise that shines and heats up technology. I also hope to experience more good products and bring the best and latest products to users
Screenshot from Song Ziwei's personal Weibo account
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