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US stocks up: Dow Jones hits new historical highs, blockchain concept stocks strengthen

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On Wednesday Eastern Time, the three major US stock indexes closed slightly higher. As of the close, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 0.30%, the Nasdaq rose 0.16%, and the S&P 500 index rose 0.14%. Large tech stocks have fluctuated, with Tesla up more than 1%, while Nvidia, Apple, Netflix, and Meta have slightly increased; Microsoft, Google, and Amazon saw a slight decline. Arm (ARM), a chip software design company under SoftBank, rose 1.14% to $74.25, hitting a new closing high for the fourth consecutive trading day.
Blockchain concept stocks have strengthened, with EsoAis up nearly 20%, Bitcoin up over 18%, Marathon Digital and Ninth City up over 15%, Coinbase and Riot Platforms up over 7%, and Jianan Technology up over 5%.
Popular Chinese concept stocks fluctuated, with the Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index rising 0.02%. Ideal Automobile rose more than 3%, Man Bang rose more than 2%, Vipshop rose more than 1%, and iQiyi, Weibo, JD.com, Alibaba, and Futu Holdings rose slightly. NetEase fell nearly 5%, while Xiaopeng Motors and NIO fell over 2%. Bilibili, Pinduoduo, Tencent Music, and Baidu saw a slight decline.
Global News

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Company News
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2023 is coming to an end, and industry leader Tesla is expected to set a new record for annual delivery of electric vehicles, but there is still some way to go before Musk's goal of 2 million vehicles.
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